Will Races Disappear?

by nvrgnbk 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    As the world becomes a smaller and smaller place, due to advances in technology, there is increased opportunity for persons of different races and cultures to meet and start families.

    Will the the differences between the races start to disappear as a result?

    Do you believe this would be a positive or negative development?

  • RAF

    positive .. but we might want to keep a few sample of pure species that we can show in a zoo (not that positive) but we are curious

    Sorry I'm on kidding mode.

  • snowbird

    Will the the differences between the races start to disappear as a result?

    Do you believe this would be a positive or negative development?

    Yes, the superficial differences will begin to disappear.

    I believe this will be a positive development. Whenever negative stereotypes, biases, irrational fears, or other types of xenophobic behavior are put to rest only good can result.


  • BFD

    Um, I think that people will still be able to run races.


  • nvrgnbk

    I think we're seeing it happen already.

    Some of the most beautiful people in the world are the result of "mixing" the races.

    Races developed precisely because people had the tendency to stay in their communities without ever leaving.

    The transience of today's world will surely soften the racial distinctions between us.

  • rebel8

    People have been traveling for thousands of years, mating with other ethnic groups, because of war, lack of resources, or to trade. That has been happening on a grand scale, percentage-wise, for a long time. That is why I don't believe there is such a thing as race anymore, if there ever was.

  • changeling

    Race causes division just as religion and nationalism. So, the "blending" of the races can only be a positive step towards peace. "Imagine..."


  • nvrgnbk

    Great point, rebel8.

    Lovin' your book, BTW.

    I can see it, changeling.

  • coolhandluke

    Look at Brazil and Mexico. There is nothing "pure" racially about either of those countries.

  • nvrgnbk

    Good point, CHL.

    The Dominican Republic is another example.

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