Can a staunch Democrat be good friends with a staunch Republican?

by journey-on 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    For those with strong political views, is it impossible to be really good friends with someone on the other side?

    My very best friends either tend to think like me on the political continuum or have no care whatsoever for politics. Those with exceptionally strong leaning toward the other party tend to get mean and nasty in political discussions which invariably deteriorate hopes for a deeper friendship.

    What has been your experience?

  • Forscher

    I submit that Hannity and Colmes are a prominent example that yes they can. It is partly a matter of agreeing to disagree and never attacking the person, as some folks on both sides of politics are so willing to do.


  • watson

    Yes it is possible to be good friends in this situation! The debate, challenge, emotions, etc., can all go into building a truly deep and valuable relationship. You just have to have the best interests of your friend at heart.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Sure they can be friends. Sometimes they even get married and make babies...

    Mary Matalin and James Carville

  • watson

    LOL, frozen one. Thought of them too.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    They do seem to be an odd couple. Here's a photo of Carville and Matalin on national television where they tear into each other. I'm not sure what Matalin is talking about, but it may have something to do with the aforementioned "making babies." Or not.

  • watson

    LOL!!! Makin' babies, yeah!

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    How about these two? They fought it out in 1992 but made peace while doing tsunami relief.

    Rumor has it that they have exchanged "BFF" charms.

  • RollerDave

    Wanna try?

    I can deal with someone coming to a different conclusion than I with the same set of facts. It's folks who spout rhetoric or wild conspiracy theories without attempting to reason I have little time for.

    It all comes down to personal chemistry in the end, I either gel with someone, or I don't. If we differ politically, discussion is possible. I'm open to being wrong if you are.

    Roller (of the 'reasonable discussion welcome' sheep class)

  • wednesday


    I like the way you think

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