Sept. KM question box now a video on Youtube

by Wasanelder Once 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Yep, I put the sept. KM question box on Youtube.I set it to the song "Clampdown" by the Clash. Please tell me what you think. or look here: Hope that works. I don't know why it doesn't read like a link. W.Once

  • Arthur


    Thanks for posting this. Do you have a copy of this KM? I have some ex-JW friends who want to see this article but who do not have internet access. I have not been able to get a copy of it. Would you be able to post a scan or post direct quotes for this article? Thanks so much.

  • bebu

    I really liked your first comments; they were sharp! The comment about "why WOULDN"T an honest translation of the Hebrew support the NWT?" in particular. I think the end could pack better punch, though.

    Maybe, in a similar vein, you might ask, Why are we never allowed to "test all things" if the Watchtower's teachings are "good"?


  • LearningToFly

    That was very good! Thank you for posting, I was able to view a news clip as well on the silentlambs information on the payout to abusers.

  • MeneMene

    Aurthur, there are copies on this thread -

  • Arthur

    Mene Mene: Thank you so much. Much appreciated !

  • WTWizard

    This means "Don't use any sources that we haven't explicitly created to back up our scam". Doing "extra" Bible research, if you have the time between the meetings and the extra service that you will be called upon to do if you have time for extra study, has to be from the same scam sources that the original publications are from. The Hindsight book is intentionally made to back up the scam.

    I noticed that they were worried sick about people researching to validate the accuracy of the New World Translation. This means that the version is $%@#ed up intentionally and they know it. So they don't want anyone digging in to find the errors (and intentional tweaks). I guess they are going to put a stop to anyone that investigates the accuracy of their cultbook. And, if someone in the field knows that the Cultbook is not accurate to the Holy Bible, then they are going to blame the King James version and claim the Cultbook as being corrected.

    One general rule is, when in doubt, check the King James version. I am not claiming it to be 100% accurate, either. However, the writers sincerely wanted to have an accurate translation of the Holy Bible, and were in an excellent position to write one. Newer versions are also accurate--as long as they are not put together by a group with nefarious ends like the Watchtower Society.

  • fokyc

    Wasanelder Once

    Absolutely brilliant! best entertainment for ages, links work OK


    PS Not much is available to the poor old Dubs, my wifes PO says that and are BOTH apostate sites and shouldn't be used either, I am at a loss to know where they can turn to!

  • WTWizard
    , my wifes PO says that and are BOTH apostate sites and shouldn't be used either

    I wonder why they would claim that is apostate. After all, isn't that the official Watchtower Web site? And when I went there (to find articles to rebut), all there was were direct articles from past Puketower and Asleep magazines and other literature from their own sources, addressed as "solutions" to problems and as research material.

    Does this mean that there will be no more official Watchtower Web site? Or, is that one more example of where one local or regional rumor gets started and the affected people come here and post what they have in fact experienced, only to be told by those outside that area that no such claim ever happened? So much for Watchtower Society unity!

  • DannyHaszard

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