How is you all? Mouthy!

by mouthy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    Welcome back Mouthy

  • mouthy

    Awake & Watching I am not on you tube sorry!!!!!

    Thanks all for the welcome home

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome home Mouthy!

    This place just wasn't the same without you.

    Open Mind

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Missed you (((Granny Grace))) good to have you back

  • Sassy

    hey Mouthy!! MUAH!! LOVE YA and welcome back!!

  • truthsearcher

    Mouthy! Welcome back to JWD! I have needed your help here many times--I have had to post so many times since you were away that I moved up to the next level! My poor fingers...

    I hope your move went well, and I look forward to coming down for a visit. By the way, you are on Youtube. I posted a thread about it yesterday! I'll see if I can find the link again...

  • truthsearcher
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Welcome back, Mouthy! I'm glad to see that the move is complete enough to provide your internet access again.

    "Awake & Watching" wasn't pulling your leg: there's a portion of one of your interviews posted on YouTube. It's excellent, naturally. It is mentioned in a fairly recent post - 3 days old at the max.

    take care!

  • prophecor

    Howdy, Mouthy. Place hasn't been the same witoutcha'

  • LoverOfTruth

    Always thinking about you Grace. You're an inspiration to all of us.

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