The Watchtower’s Perspective Seeing Issues—In Terms Of Black & White

by The wanderer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear exwitless:

    "I'm asking because in your entire history on JWD, I have yet to see you behave as a real person. Instead, you behave as though you're trying to be a psychoanalyst. Drop the formality just once, and post something just like I did here without special fonts, spacing, fancy wording, colors, and deep philosophical crap."-exwitless (thanks)

    No problem, however, I will cover as many of your
    questions as I can.

    Do I behave as though I am trying to be a psychoanalyst.

    Yes, I would say there is truth in that statement.


    Sometimes, to understand the present I need to go
    back into the past. It is important for me to under-
    stand why I used to think the way I did and measure
    it up against how I think today, because how I think
    today will dictate my future for tomorrow.

    As far as pets go

    I had a rabbit.

    Favorite color



    A broken family

    Hopefully, this answers some of your questions.



  • exwitless

    Richard - thanks for your selective response. Maybe you're still pondering the answers to the other questions I asked but you didn't answer.

    Here's a thought: Do you think that maybe you're simply thinking way too hard and too much? It is my opinion that you are. When most people post here, they, like you, are searching for opinions, thoughts, and experiences of others. Just like you, they have been jaded by the WT and are trying to rebuild their thought processes to rid themselves of WT mind control. But they aren't trying to psychoanalyze people. They just want to talk. Sometimes they just want to vent because something upsetting happened that day. Sometimes they want to share exciting news, or tell a joke, or share a youtube video they liked. This is the kind of stuff your posts are devoid of: real conversation with a real person. As I have said, you still won't allow yourself to just be real for some reason (example - referring to yourself as "Richard" in the third person instead of just saying "I think...")

    Just food for thought (but don't think too hard or overanalyze it.)

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear exwitless:

    In the last thread you had over 10 questions and
    I answered some, so, a little credit where credit
    is do would be appreciated.

    "But they aren't trying to psychoanalyze people"-exwitless

    I fail to understand where you got the idea
    where I am psychoanalyzing people.

    I thought it was clear when I mentioned I look
    at the past to see why I thought the way I did
    and measure it up against how I think today for

    In other words, the psychoanalyzes is on myself
    not others.

    Getting back to your questions:

    Hobbies: reading, writing, exercise

    Occupation: Multimedia

    Who I am?

    Creative personality type and naturally



  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear exwitless:

    Consider this perspective for a moment. When I start
    thinking about the past and how I got caught up as
    a Jehovah's Witness it all boils down to one thing.

    I was swindled.

    Not to sound arrogant, but I consider myself fairly
    intelligent and deep down it bothers me that a cult
    had me believing in nonsense for 14 years.

    So, today I test how I think and I measure how I
    think against others. In other words, I gauge myself.

    I have a couple of thread items in mind and I will
    expand upon it more in the future.



  • hillary_step


    Do I behave as though I am trying to be a psychoanalyst.

    Yes, I would say there is truth in that statement.


    Sometimes, to understand the present I need to go
    back into the past. It is important for me to under-
    stand why I used to think the way I did and measure
    it up against how I think today, because how I think
    today will dictate my future for tomorrow.

    May I ask you a few questions?

    If you wished to illustrate the personification of selfishness, how would it differ from your statements above?

    By your own admission, you seem to be using the posters to the Board as playthings in your strange, little world. Do you think this is fair?

    Would you describe yourself as a person who has delusions? Perhaps delusions of grandeur?


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Do you think I am being selfish for
    testing how and why I think the way
    I do?



  • hillary_step


    Do you think I am being selfish for testing how and why I think the way I do?

    By your own admission you are using people to do this, so my answer would have to be a great, big, YES.

    You do not engage in discussions, in fact you seem to pride yourself that you are not part of the rest of the Board, but sit on the sidelines notebook in hand, which I am sure you fill with messsage-squiggles sent to you from your close friends on Venus.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer


    "By your own admission, you seem to be using the posters to the Board as playthings in your strange, little world. Do you think this is fair?"-Hill

    I present perspectives and try to think outside the

    Hill, if I did not test the Watchtower I think
    it is safe to say I would still be there.

    I try to view things from a positive perspective not
    a negative.

    Games? Not trying to play mind games.

    Delusional? No.



  • exwitless

    I can totally relate to the being swindled feeling. I, too, consider myself fairly intelligent and it does disturb me that I was so duped by the WT. I have realized about myself more and more, especially since leaving the borg, that I am the kind of person that is too easily influenced by others; I tend to be too trusting. My theory has always been that unless someone proves otherwise, I have no reason not to trust them. Innocent until proven guilty. But I'm finding that that kind of thinking is what ends up biting me in the a$$ down the road.

    Because I have realized that my life long religious decisions were all based on being influenced by others, not by my own intelligent choice, I now feel I must absolutely detach myself from any particular religious belief, whether it be atheism, christianity, evolution, creation, the bible, etc. Until I decide on my own, without any influence by anyone else, what I want to believe, I am simply abstaining from believing anything.

    It's a hard pill to swallow when you realize you were so wrong about something that you so strongly felt was right. Little Drummer Boy and I were also in for 14 years before we DA'd. See, now there are at least 2 things we have in common.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer


    I do not see anything wrong morally or otherwise in
    testing how I think.

    As I formerly mentioned if I did not test the boundaries
    of the Watchtower Society I would still be believing
    the trumpet sound signaled the Cedar Point, Ohio
    district convention.

    The brothers who were indicted in Atlanta, Georgia were
    the dry bones that became resurrected.



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