NEWS: I am publicly reproved over UN situation.

by badwillie 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pureheart

    Dear Friend,
    If you want to live at peace, leave this subject alone. You cannot win. If you fight against the Elders you will lose. They are protected under the constitution giving them the right to rule their congregation according to church law. Be quiet and serve Jehovah as you know He want to be served. "Be cautious as serpents, yet innocent as doves".

    Most Sincerely,

  • dungbeetle

    If this will soon rival the massive UN post. much dung, so little time...

  • Trilobite


    Utter bullshit. The Elders will run a mile if they are threatened. And if BAdwillie decides to go for it you can bet that many here will contribute to the fund.

    The edlers only have authority when it comes to the administering of clearly defined church law. Abbrogation of free speech is not part of their purview.


  • FreePeace

    Hi Badwillie,

    On what specific grounds are they reproving you? I didn't see anything specific in your original post.

  • Trilobite

    Dung - may I call you that? :-)

    Make it so.

  • Sirona

    In a meeting with my elders 18 months ago, I presented information that they could not refute. They were SCARED. Very Scared. It was strange to see two grown men in tatters over questions by a young girl like me!

    Unfortunately, this fear makes them react badly - usually with anger and a desire to not have to listen to you anymore. THAT is why they decided to reprove so quickly. Imagine being an elder and listening to evidence that the WT is corrupt! You would want to run away and hide! So rather than reasoning with you about the issues, they decided to reprove you for even daring to question the blessed WTBTS!

    It has been my experience that Circuit Overseers are those who *know* the arguments against the society and who *dont really care*. Thats why they can be much less ruffled about it than local elders. If you appealed to a higher level about this, there is a chance they'd reverse the decision (if you acted innocent and kept your mouth shut).

    Im a big believer in freedom of speech though. Maybe just let this decision happen, as you say. You will have lots of time to decide what you want to do next.

    Thats where I am right now. Im not reproved or DF and Im biding my time. This way, I can give people little snippets of what I know. I did get in hot water myself over the UN thing, but now I've shut up about it (for now!), everything seems ok.

    Anyway, hugs,

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I knew when this whole UN thing was uncovered that it was huge. Whatever small glimmer of rightness on their part that I was retaining was completely shattered at the point.
    What amazes me is that you were showing your friends something public with the WT endorsement right up there for all to see.
    They have accomplished two things, IMO, by the way they handled your wife and you. In their eyes they have shut you up and suffienctly chastised you. And by so doing when the announcement is made tonight they have blackened your name and reputation to the point where everyone in the congregation will view everthing you do and say as suspect. Two birds killed with one fell swoop.
    I am sad that this had to happen. But anyone who has the audacity to question anything is wide open for this kind of unmerciful unjust treatment.
    My heart goes out to both of you! But as has been stated many times in the previous posts, it is an eye opener and frees the two of you to move on.
    Good luck to you both.

  • JT



    but i love it

    THIS Has always been my favorite account in describing the mindset of your typicle jw- time and time again we have read the post here of many who have shown their family and friends documented proof of the gooofy stuff wt writes and teaches and they will stand there and deny it

    and for the same reason

    if you just replace "ONLY THE SPIRITUALLY WEAK ONES WILL NOT understand the new light that we come up with"

    then you have the same thing

    wt has always put things in the context of "If you are a Mature Christian, so and so"

    "Will you go to college or pioneer- if you are a mature christian"

    "Will you by a house with a 30yr bank note or wait on jah to shortly provide you with your own house and fig tree- well if you are a mature christian..."

    "Will you read info on the org even it's True when it puts the org in a bad light, well a mature christian..."

    so the list goes on and on


    thanks for the laugh

  • blondie

    I guess some might consider it sick, JT...I know you meant it as a compliment. Just fits...

    It's the pattern of abuse...denial...denial...denial

    Even if the elders believed you, what can they do? If they speak out as an individual or an elder body, they will be in the same boat. That would be quite a sacrifice (see Silentlambs). I remember in the past hearing of a congregation that passed around a petition regarding a change they felt was needed and sent it to the Society...the congregation was disbanded and the ringleaders tossed.

    The view is if the GB/FDS needs correction, it must come from a higher source...of course, the example of Abigail, Nabal, and David is ignored, or the case of the little captive girl and Naaman, or even Sarah and Abraham, listen to your wife.

    So, Badwillie, I think you lucked out by only be publicly many would have been disfellowshipped. It will be painful, but at least you will find out who your "real" friends are.

  • BobsGirl

    Thank you for sharing your story. I would just like to add my voice to those who are offering support now.

    Tomorrow evening, I will be sharing the UN information with the members of my family who are still active. I am aprehensive, but I feel as if I must. However it turns out, it is good to know that there are others who understand and are willing to be supportive.


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

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