The Myth Of Evolution

by whereami 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • heathen

    No they did not prove that those ape like fossils have anything to do with human beings . That's my point . Animals can adapt and diversify , no problem with that but as far as solid proof that man evolved from ape , there is none.

  • AlanF

    heathen wrote:

    : No they did not prove that those ape like fossils have anything to do with human beings . That's my point . Animals can adapt and diversify , no problem with that but as far as solid proof that man evolved from ape , there is none.

    That all depends on what you mean by "prove". In an absolute sense, you cannot prove that you exist, and I cannot prove anything at all. But in a practical, reasonable sense, proof of a great deal exists. In that sense there is a good deal more physical evidence for evolution than for the existence of the biblical God.

    So it is with the evolution of man from apelike ancestors. Every few years another fossil is found that fits with this theory. Nothing has been found that refutes it.

    Here's one example: Can you fit the physical characteristics and time of existence of Homo ergaster (google "homo erectus boy" for a starting point) into a non-evolutionary scenario? No. Try it and see. But it fits well with the notion that man evolved from this form, or something very like it, into modern man from about 2 million years ago to the present. The evolution of earlier hominds is a good deal fuzzier but that should be no surprise since the fossils are a good deal older.



    GreenDawn..You have a message embedded into your post..It`s faint..In white..The message reads:"Home About Spread The Word Materials Archives Evidence Worship FMS Hate Mail"..If you click the words it takes you to a "Spaggetti Monster" website.???..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    the paradox of who created the creator seems to lead to an infinite regression... a dead end. the idea of reality being always intelligent and always godlike seems a stretch, however if the universe is made of simple building blocks that can form in a nearly infinite variety of ways, spontenious order is not out of the question...and apparently we do find evidence for this everywhere.

    no god required for a myriad of different well ordered snow flake patterns. nor common crystal formations. that carbon possesses the versitility to form itself into many complex patterns..and seems to be essential for living systems seems to fit the bill.

    the argument that the universe seems to finely tuned to living systems is offered as evidence of divine orgins, however the universe seems more finely tuned to produce lifeless vaccuum and ice rather than life. life seems to be extremely rare in the vast universe, which is why chance, not a god would produce.

    the fact that models of evolution in computers have been made which actually work as evolution predicts they should... even to the point of showing how eyes evolved, indicates that evolution is a viable theory. While there are many varients of evolution, there are no rivals to it...

    magic is not a viable rival to HOW living systems were produced. if a god did it, there should be some way of duplicating the work, perhaps showing that an intelligent mind is required to put the peices together, but all creationists have is the argument from ignorance...

    my ignorance is NOT your evidence.

    just because I dont know HOW the trick is performed, I dont have to assume that the magician is doing anything supernatural.

  • heathen

    I'm quite sure I exist and that is a very absurd statement to make . Prove you exist ..... hardy har har The fact remains that they have not proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt that evolution is nothing more than a theory .How do we know some space ship didn't crash land with ape like species aboard? for instance . Science always jumps to conclusions in the field of evolution and seem to always find that the latest discorveries are more related to animal than they are to man after it comes under scrutiny.

  • AlanF

    Alright, heathen, prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that you exist.


  • Mariusuk.
    The fact remains that they have not proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt that evolution is nothing more than a theory

    Nonsense evolution is a fact, the theory is the part which deals which speculating on HOW it happens

    How do we know some space ship didn't crash land with ape like species aboard?

    What like a pet? Or the ape was flying the ship?? Is there ANY evidence for this space ship, I mean I know you believe everything exists because some super god click his celestial fingers one day as he was bored so it doesn't surprise me that you would put forth such a dumb theory as a space ship bringing an ape to earth.

    By the way their is ample evidence to show how evolution occurs, honest it is out there, free of charge, accessible to all IF you be bothered to study

    Science always jumps to conclusions in the field of evolution and seem to always find that the latest discorveries are more related to animal than they are to man after it comes under scrutiny

    Now you are just making things up, could you post something to back this ridiculous statement up? You should have more respect for people who have the desire to find answers, people who are not content to give a mythical god credit BECAUSE they know no better. If it was not for people like this we would not have things you no doubt take for granted like the internet and airplanes

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