What Did You Hide From Others While You Were A Witness?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    other than drugs, sex, smoking, excessive drinking, and not believing the w.t.s., i didn't hide a thing.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Unquenchable lust for woman and dam it I still have the same problem, oh dam you Satan ! I had a woody for every woman who had boobs in the hall !

  • erandir

    I hid visiting sites like this one in my search for answers to my nagging doubts.

    Later, I hid visiting regularly and even posting on this particular site.

    Also, I hid what I really thought of a couple of real a-hole elders in my congregation and some other witnesses I used to work with.

    I won't even come to grips with admitting any sexual issues in my present relationship, oral or auto.

  • lies all lies
    lies all lies

    I hid the fact the I thought most of them were completely lost in space, even though they were really nice it was a "creepy" kind of nice and totally fake now that I know the truth.

  • KW13

    I think just about every witness thinks they are falling short somewhere and that its just their secret with Jehovah...

  • eclipse

    When I was a teen, I was into reading fantasy novels, thrillers like Steven King, and I was into reading about witches, demons, vampires, wherewolves, and other such fantasy creatures.

    I also hid my worldy highschool boyfriends, which weren't really anything serious, as I just held hands with them before one of them kissed me lol and I was tramautized for a day or so...such a drama queen, LOL!

    Funny, my ''worldy'' boyfriends respected my virginity, but when I started dating witness boys (17, 18), they were the ones who were pushing sex.

    And then I started realizing that all my JW teen friends were no longer virgins, I did not feel it was my business to rat them out to the elders.

    Was I pure?

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