Dreams of KH, Assemblies, etc.

by monophonic 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • erandir

    Just a couple of dreams about a couple of elders who personally irk me...and having a stupid argument with them...in my house for some reason even though I would never ever invite them in real life.

  • JWdaughter

    Two nights ago I had a weird dream. . .it was after I had seen some local mennonites and I had started sharing some of my religious background with my realtor.

    So, my son had been left with some weird combination of JW/LDS people, and when I came back to get him, they had beat him so much that his face was scarred for life. It was red and purply and had welts all over it. I had a feeling of absolute rage, then woke up shaking. Try analysing that one! I think I am now freaked out about leaving him with my mom-although I have been getting nervous about that in any case.

  • journey-on

    That one's easy, JWDaughter:

    now freaked out about leaving him with my mom-although I have been getting nervous about that in any case.

    There's your answer.

  • Seeker4

    I constantly have dreams about being at assemblies and conventions. Lots of times I'm supposed to be giving a talk and I end up onstage with no idea what the talk is supposed to be about. Other times, I'm on the platform and I know that I'msupposed to talk about something that I no longer have any belief in. Sometimes I'm in a field service car with old JW friends, and I tell them why I no longer believe. Strangely, they often end up agreeing with me. Maybe not so strangely.

    The most interesting dreams are where I'm with old JW friends, and instead of being critical, they will often tell me that they understand why I left, and some say they would do it if they had the courage. Very often, instead of being the hard asses I know they are, they treat me with great respect - perhaps more than I often express toward myself.

    I think this dream phenomenom is far more common than any of us realize.


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