by JK666 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Just a few thoughts on depression. I have studied a bit about it in nursing and also have first hand experience having been on anti-depressants off and on for 10 years (currently off). Depression is not a strict either/or scenario. It can be both situational and chemical at the same time and in the same person! So there is no room to be dogmatic. Every case must be looked at and evaluated individually.

    As you probably know, long term substance abuse can alter the brain's biochemistry permanently. This alone could make you prone to depression. However, from how you have described your relationship, there seems to be plenty in this situation that could feed depression. The best approach is to treat from a multi-modal perspective. Address the relationship issues and any possible physical/chemical imbalances. This takes time and can be trial and error situation, often two steps forward, one step back. It is important not to become discouraged when this happens. It will not be accomplished over night. It's a journey.

    Bottom line, though, is you are very vulnerable and need relationships that are overwhelmingly supportive and positive. If you feel the relationship with your sponsor is positive and is helping you in your recovery, that is all you need to know. Try to look at the long-term aspect of your relationship with your girlfriend. Has it been other-wise positive and you are just going through a rough patch? If so, it may be worth working it out. If it has been more negative then positive and you feel it is dragging you down further into depression, then it might be better to end it. Depression can skew our perspective to the negative though. Getting the opinion of a neutral third party who can see the two of you interacting can be invaluable? Sponsor is not neutral. It is his job to be on your side!

    Hope this is helpful,


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JK666 said,

    Still mulling this over, please give more comments. Thanks!

    OK, I've got a second opinion: kick her ass to the curb and talk to a doctor about whether you need antidepressants. If you need them, the suggestion Dragonlady made is EXCELLENT: get them from the WALMART pharmacy to help keep the price low.

    Maybe just getting this female companion (I can't call her a "friend") out of your life will cheer things up a bit. You do not need her negative energy.

    You need to focus on achieving short-term goals that will lead you to a new job. Sometimes the short term can be just five minutes, but set the goal, meet the goal, and ACKNOWLEGE TO YOURSELF THAT YOU MET THE GOAL. You need to rebuild your self esteem and the only legit way of doing that is by setting and meeting goals. It may be helpful to keep a diary of goals and accomplishments.

    Borrow a copy of The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden from your local library or buy a copy.

    In The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, Nathaniel Branden presents the culminating achievement of a lifetime of clinical practice and research. In this penetrating and provocative program, he conclusively demonstrates the importance of self-esteem in our quest for psychological health, personal achievement, and positive relationships.

    "Yet how do we gain true self-esteem?" Dr. Branden introduces the six pillars of self-esteem - six action-based practices for daily living.

    1. Live Consciously

    2. Accept Yourself

    3. Take Responsibility for Your Experiences

    4. Assert Who You Are

    5. Live Purposefully

    6. Maintain Your Integrity

    The WTB&TS always taught you that self-esteem and happiness were the result of "sacred service" -- selling Watchtower books. They lied to you.

  • JK666


    Thank you for the good advice on self-esteem. It reminds me of what I was told in the past:

    The way to build self-esteem is to do esteemable things one day at a time.


  • restrangled


    Take care of yourself first,.... girlfriend second........

    I am pulling for you dear...hang tough!


  • JK666


    I'd like to fly down and have some of those ribs and asparagus.


  • Junction-Guy

    My vote is to ditch her, you may find your depression lessening after that. I too have dpression and mine is situational. If your depression ever leads to the point of you being suicidal, then please seek out help, if it is not that serious a problem, then try to deal with it on your own and learn to analyze some of your problems.

  • nvrgnbk


    No advice here.

    Just wishing you peace and happiness.

    Life is short.

    People are complicated animals.

    You'll figure it out.

    Best wishes brother,


  • JK666

    Thank you everybody,

    I didn't do anything rash tonight, and I am thinking about the feedback received.


  • Robdar

    BUT . . . the ultimatum that she gave me bothers me. To me, that shows conditional love.

    BUT... since you thinking of breaking up with her, doesn't that show that you have conditional love for her also?

    Look, this shouldn't be about who loves whom unconditionally--You both obviously have some sort of feelings about each other. What matters is how you are going to take care of yourself, how you are going to make yourself better.

    If you are depressed and out of work, you will not be a good partner. You need to get help for your depression and find work. If that means moving to a larger market, do it. If she doesn't follow you or agree to a long distance relationship, your decision on whether or not to break up is made for you.

    You should Get Well. Only when you are well will you be capable of being in (and giving) a loving and tolerant relationship. I wish you success.

    Oh, and stop lending her money.

  • JK666

    Thank you all for your responses to my post. I was having a real bad night, and hanging out on JWD with you guys really helped.

    I have scheduled an appointment with my doctor tomorrow to discuss my depression, and see what he thinks. I will try the poor me - give me samples tactic. And on the job front, I heard back from two of my resumes today, so things are looking up. I had a freaking 4.0 GPA, it shouldn't be this hard to get a job!

    I left a message for my GF to see if we could talk tomorrow night, I'll keep yo updated on what happens.

    Thanks again for your support!


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