Good Kharma? Bad Kharma?

by bboyneko 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    I was kidding about expecting a reward honestly, I was just bein' silly. I honestly appreciated her genuine gesture of gratitude and seeing her kid all happy and waving at me was reward enough :) Thanks for the input though.
    -Dan, the athiest with morals

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I don't know from karma, honey, but you done GOOD anyway.

    My kids get exasperated with me because I always go for the 'right' thing even when it would be easier to just keep what I found. Don't know if it's a stupid optimism or just ingrained training from my dear momma, but I always believed that eventually your good deeds return to you. Even though I haen't really gotten proof of that belief, it still sticks with me. Besides the look on folks' faces when you return their goods intact is usually enough reward for me. Funny how some people seem really peeved at ya for rockin their preconceptions . As Wendy experienced, not everyone is grateful; oh well it's all a part of Life's Rich Pageant as INspector Clouseau once said.

    Score one for the ethical atheists. Right on son.


  • JanH

    A newspaper here in Norway once did a test of people's honesty by dropping a number of wallets with credible content, including some cash, around the country. If I remember correctly, all were returned. The point was that the majority of them were returned with the cash still in it.

    Most have experience losing something, and know how relieved they were by getting it back.

    It annoys me to see that sometimes when JWs do this, they make a public statement in newspapers to make sure everybody knows they did it "because they were JWs." And of course, the WT writes about it as evidence that JWs are so much better than everybody else.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • bboyneko

    It's fun gluing some coins to the floor and watching people try to pick it up

  • Bridgette

    Hey, I thought we were all supposed to be wildly depraved apostates here, totally devoid of any morals whatsoever once we left "mother"? And you go and do something like return a purse with a PLATINUM AMEX CARD?!?!?! Sheesh, man, what are you trying to do?
    I find most atheists are moral simply for the sake of being moral and a feeling of citizenship with their fellow beings, versus being moral out of fear of angry hebrew sky-god. But whatever works, imo.
    Now, about Kharma (one of my favorite subjects) Slash put it very succinctly: "Kharma simply put is Cause and effect." The universe is a machine. We are not just a part of that machine, but we ARE the machine. For all that we "see" and perceive, there really are only a very few basic realities: Cause and Effect being one of the most basic. Loving, unselfish, compassionate acts feed that machine and perpetuate those energies, just as negative acts can perpetuate negative energies. Like a mathematical formula. I personally prefer the results of loving, compassionate acts, but that's just me.
    So, in mommy D's words--"ya done good".

  • bboyneko

    I've deleted so many chain letters threatenging me with death, impalement, eye gouging and all that I wonfer if Im doomed with bad kharma forever :)

  • Julie

    Good job on the returned purse bboyneko-- Yeah, she couldn've slipped you a ten spot or something but she may have been broke. I once had a purse stolen, a boy who found it in a dumpster called me and I bummed a few bucks off my mom to give him a reward. At first I wondered if he had been the one to take it but when I got to his house I saw they were a poor family. The place was neat as a pin and I interrupted his homework when I got there. He admired a pin on the purse and I gave it to him since he refused the reward. Just goes to show, you never really know.

    I've had people break down and cry when I caught up with them to return their lost wallets. Really touching.

    Naeblis, lol, you are such a wise ass. I hear you aren't actually Greek, but Turkish. Is this true?????

    Love to all--

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Dan, you amoral theist -- I mean moral atheist --

    I think you understand that the reason to be "good" is not because of positive or negative feedback from some metaphysical punishment engine, but because it helps create the kind of world in which we prefer to live. Your moral righteousness echos between the spheres of time.

    I predict that you will be reincarnated somewhere between the two extremes you mentioned - probably as an intestinal parasite in an eagle. You'll have a seat near the sphincter, where the view is best.

    It is an honor to know you (not in the bibical sense).

  • Bridgette

    <<I've deleted so many chain letters threatenging me with death, impalement, eye gouging and all that I wonfer if Im doomed with bad kharma forever :)>>>

    Oh dear, B-boy, you didn't mention that! I'm afraid you are doomed forever, nice knowing you.
    Now, to break this curse, send it to at least 10 people on your mailing list--now!
    Stop stalling!
    Do it----NOW!
    NOW, I say!!!!!!!

    Infidel--do you know what you have wraught?!?!?!

    I despise chain letters.

  • Billygoat
    Perhaps that is your reward, being able to look in the mirror.


    Call it karma or anything else you want, but doing right because it's right is reward enough in itself. To me that is the whole idea behind unconditional love. Giving (or loving) without expecting anything back at all. The satisfaction of doing it is enough!


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