Need dating advice

by KatyH81 13 Replies latest social relationships

  • Crumpet

    Blondie - I agree you made a sterling choice with Irreverent!

    You really can meet men anywhere. I met my last one at an apostabbq, and someone else on the train coming home from work, through night classes and in nightclubs and bars. Just keep your eyes open and animated. I've also met guys via facebook.

  • KatyH81

    I very much appreciate everyone's advice, please keep it coming.

    I live in a very small town and it's not easy to meet people to dat here. I have joined a club, but I found out that it's all older women. and as far as speed dating I don't think we have any of that within driving distance.

    Btw, if any of you know anyone in north east Alabama or western Georgia, I'm still looking. LOL

  • greendawn

    It's often pointless to join online dating agencies, things can be done less directly and more naturally through online social networks such as MySpace or the Yahoo social network. It's possible to use webcams to interact audio-visually with others but of course caution is needed when dating unknown or little known persons from the internet eg meet in a public place with plenty of people.

  • AudeSapere

    In my early 20's someone suggested that I go live where there are more people and more activities. I wish I had followed that advise decades ago.

    Have you considered moving? It will broaden you choices and opportunities immensely.


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