A Bible Question, please comment

by restrangled 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nvrgnbk
    Does it make sense that he would only allow a select few to understand what he was trying to say ?


  • Stealth453

    There will have to be assumptions involved here.....

    Remove the assumptions, and it all makes sense.

  • restrangled

    Stealth, If the assumptions are removed,...then there isn't a question.....is that your point?


  • DeusMauzzim

    Somewhat more assertive than Stealth: reverse the assumptions, and it all makes sense

    God does not exist, the Bible is not the Word of God, 'creation' is not as stated in Genesis

    See? Now you have an answer to why God seems to act a little.. complicated for an all-powerful super-intelligence.

    God didn't create us in His image, we created Him in our image: complicated and illogical.


    Deus Mauzzim

  • TheListener

    I hear your question loud and clear. I have been thinking about the fact that I don't understand why Jesus didn't just speak plainly. Yes, he spoke in parables so the common man would understand - didn't God know that we wouldn't understand? Why wasn't the Bible written like the book "life's little instruction book"?

    There should simply be no room for misunderstanding or interpreting things in a different way. We shouldn't be able to fight over the translation of specific words or their tense. It gets ridiculous at times.

    The law code was cumbersome and just too plain much but it did provide God's specific instructions for everyday situations.

    My conclusion, to myself of course, is that since God didn't make the NT as clear as the law code; he intended it that way. I won't let anyone's interpretation of the Bible come between me and loving Christ. I will love Christ and strive to be a morally upright person (what is that you say? Hmmm...I guess it means not doing anything that will get me thrown into jail or divorced - hahahahahaha).

    One day I hope it will all come clear - if not, I'll die a satisfied person anyway.

  • emptywords

    With all the knowledge of those that profess to be the channel or to know it all, they still struggle because they miss the foundation of Christianity. It is not complicated as Jesus taught. To love God with whole mind and soul and you're neighbour as youreself. Cant go wrong with that, he nailed all the complications to a torture stake.

    Those that fail to teach and live by that make everything complicated even to themselves, why they try and work out the law and inflict it on those they think cant see what they see are the ones that are blinded.

    The meek shall inherit the earth.

  • saywhat?

    exwitless writes, "since he has been watching from afar (assuming he exists)" Psalm 145:18 reads, "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him..." Also, Acts 8:27-31 Philip approaches the Ethiopian eunuch and asks, "Do you actually know what you are reading?" To which the eunuch replies, "Really, how could I ever do so, unless someone guided me?" Thats my two cents, saywhat?

  • saywhat?

    One more thing. How come my paragraphs always get crunched into one paragraph? and how do I copy and paste quotes from other replies?

  • kwr

    I look at the Bible as mans attempt to understand God. IMHO it is not from God/Jehovah/YHWH, but about him, his Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • greendawn

    The message of the gospel is very simple and easy to understand but the religion got taken over by people serving their own interests. As Jesus himself said a s soon as he sowed the seed and left his enemy would sow weeds in his field so they have been around from the beginning and until the end they will be there.

    There are of course many sacred mysteries for the more advanced and mature to deal to tease their minds with with but the message is still simple.

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