Did You EVER Enjoy Going To Meetings Or Out In Service?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • FadingAway

    Intially yes, but when the love bombing stopped after I got baptized and when I starting seeing the org for what it was, it went downhill. Meeting were boring and dull, and field service was uninspired, just go through the motions.

  • fifi40

    I am kinda of like Jill................so I can say yes in part........and I didnt mind the book study much at all because we always had a good social time after with tea and biscuits.......that was the best part :)

  • turnerc

    I can't say I hated or loved them either way. As someone else said - when I was a little girl and teenager I enjoyed the social side even though there were extreme moments of boredom! Hadn't known any other way of life thought so assumed it was normal. As I got older I found FS embarassing and made me cringe if I saw someone I knew. Towards the end before being df'd I hated every meeting and FS because I felt so hypocritical being there. Used tot ake lots of notes at assemblies to relieve the boredom and to try and make myself belive what I was hearing I think!

  • YoursChelbie

    The meetings were always a chore.

    I think I liked the Fied Service more only because I could talk with some people I actually liked.
    When I started to fade, they became incredibly boring and I would speed out of there before the song was over.


  • hilannj

    FS wasn't too bad, we lived way out in the country.. so we would drive around for an hour, stop at 3 houses, go get coffee, go back and do 5 more houses. and there was always the advantage of getting in a cargroup with a guy I liked and stareing at him all day.. and thinking bad thoughts about his mother. it was a great way to spend the day... When my brother was little he would play with his hands, one hand would be the good guy the other would be the bad guy and they would fight, complete with sound effects, whoosh, bang, boom.. it drove the people sitting around us crazy :) he was only like 4 but everyone wondered why mom couldn't control him. One time he commented in the middle of the Public talk, the speaker said something about, does your family study regularly. And he stopped looked up and said no.. and then when back to playing with his hands. :)

  • MadTiger
  • minimus

    I guess there ain't much to do in the country.I reckon.

  • MadTiger

    Every blue moon, I did.

    While I was attending, no one had better meeting attendance than I did. When I say no one, I really mean no one. I even had better attendance than the COs and DOs. I rarely get sick, and only missed a few times because of my business.

    When they got to be stressful due to previously mentioned things, I started to dread meetings, and left as soon as the "n" sound from "Amen" was heard. Hell, I joked with my uncle that if I could have my tires screeching before the sound even finished, I would.

  • DeusMauzzim
    Is carion scooper an occupation?

    Only after Armageddon, dear

    - Deus Mauzzim

  • Zico

    Service could be fun if you were working with a good friend. I found meetings dull, I liked the socialising before and after meetings though.

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