Would It Have Been Better To Remain In Ignorance About The Organization?

by The wanderer 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Would It Have Been Better To Remain In Ignorance About The Organization?

    The argument on whether it would have been better to remain in ignorance
    about the Watchtower Society is the question. On the one hand, had we remain-
    ed in the truth as we knew it, we could have had our friends, family members
    and the prospects of everlasting life on a paradise earth.

    In other words, had we been in ignorance about the Watchtower Society.

    The Bitter Effects Of Knowing The Truth About The Organization

    The other side of this argument is that by knowing what goes on behind
    the scenes we are released from the bonds of a totalitarian organization
    known as the Watchtower Society.

    Enlightenment has a price though; it amounts to the loss of our friends, families and
    the prospect of everlasting life, as we knew it, had we remained in ignorance.

    The question that surrounds this issue:

    Would it have been better to remain in ignorance about the organization?



  • saywhat29

    I think its better to know the truth in the end... but I can't deny the fact that some people won't have fulfilling lives out of the Watchtower because even though they are out it's kind of hard to break that mentality that you CAN have a fulfilling life. I'm still trying to recover and have a lot of work to do myself. So even though you know its a pile of crap... you still have a mindset that everyhting else is a pile of crap as well, so there's nothing out there for you, or that your relationships outside the Borg will suck (and with self-fulfilling prophesy they more than likely will). Plus they whole idea of dealing with mortality- i mean most people don't think about it, but like I child, you have to deal with the fact that you will get old and eventually die, and some can't handle that when they have invested too much into not dying.

    But knowing the truth frees people from guilt, from trying to live under somebody else's rules and standards that dont' or can't fit them to begin with. it frees them from the fear of other people's opinions... thats a lot. There are able to make conscious decisions for themselves! So, even though you may have to kill a large portion of yourself from knowing the Truth about the Troof, it is better.

    It's just is gonna hurt like hell is all. And for how long, like everything else, depends on the person.

  • Honesty
    On the one hand, had we remained in the truth as we knew it, we could have had our friends, family members
    and the prospects of everlasting life on a paradise earth.

    I'm glad I found out about the demonised watchtower cult from Hell and escaped from their clutches no matter what it cost.

    Paradise earth is a just a pipe dream the Watchtower uses as a drug on its victims.

  • nvrgnbk

    It's just is gonna hurt like hell is all. And for how long, like everything else, depends on the person.

    Yes saywhat29.

    The more one invested, the greater the disappointment.

    Every time I think I'm over it, something reminds me that I'm not. The feelings of never being good enough. The emotional paralysis.

    But I'll take reality over the illusion any day.

  • minimus

    Isn't this question a flawed one? Who would know whether it would've been better to remain in ignorance----now that we're not ignorant?

    Richard, if you think ignorance is bliss than you've answered your own question, I guess.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower exploits and uses the people under its control.

    It is not interested in presenting real "truth" to the people.

    It is a selfish organization that only cares about promoting itself.

    It is best to be free of it.


  • blondie

    That's like asking if someone with curable cancer wants to remain ignorant and die because they are afraid of the pain of treatment.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Minimus:

    Just a hypothetical question dealing
    with the speculation on whether or
    not it may have been more advantageous
    to remain ignorant about the organ-

    For example, would it have been better
    knowing or not knowing-that is the



  • fifi40

    I think this has a lot to do with expectation.

    What I mean by this is that I observe people around me who seem happy and content without needing very much in life..............and that can be said of some witnesses..............they have everything they desire in that world, they dont wish to think out of the box, they are happy not questioning...............they maybe deluded but they dont seek to find that out.

    Sometimes a major life shake up can cause them to question what they have.

    If we had been folk happy to remain in ignorance we wouldnt be on this board surely????

    But would it be easier to be a person who is happy to remain ignorant.........possibly!

  • mrsjones5

    To remain ignorant about the bOrg would have led to my mental demise.

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