Why is it so hard for a JW to admit when they are wrong about anything?

by A-Team 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Twitch
    And maybe they were this way before becoming a JW.... part of the attraction.

    Or were raised in it and know of no other way to be.

  • Ténébreux

    Because virtually every aspect of the religion including doctrines and organizational procedure is supposed to have been handed down by divine inspiration oh all right guidance from God himself. If even the smallest divinely-revealed teaching is found to be wrong, it calls the others into question as well.

  • animal

    Right Twitch... and relearning how to act takes time and guidance.


  • icyestrm

    Most of the brothers and sisters that were born in the truth that I know of have no critical thinking skills. They just lazily accept whatever is thrown at them from the tyrants of Crooksville. They refuse to open their eyes and see what is on this forum because their lethargic mental skills have been inactive for 10, 20, 30, 40, or more years from being in this cult.

  • moshe

    I have had older JW's lie right to my face about 1975, rather than admit they, too were sucked in about the 1975 WT propoganda. You can hardly get them to admit to a teensie-weensie mistake of any kind.

  • Backed away
    Backed away

    JW's are not working with a full deck for their house of cards belief system. Admitting their wrong removes another structural piece.

    Even if they know their wrong, they can't risk it all coming down around them.

  • NotaNess

    Case in point, sort of:

    I brought up the policy and teaching to a Witness today, on scriptural divorce as stated in the Jan 1st, 1972 Watchtower on fornication and adultery. (regarding homosexuality & beastiality as well).

    Their reply was "what year?"....OH, that's old, so long ago, probably not that way now. I hinted at the "old light" habits of the WT. So basically, he just shrugged it off as "old, doesn't relate to me today, info".

    How can you show these people when something so wrong is staring them in their face, yet they completely disregard it as nothing for them to be of interest in? This person was born after this Watchtower issue, and was raised in the org.

  • emptywords

    Because to admit would mean they would have to think outside of the four walls of the tower, and that would mean that it could be possible that the GB is wrong and they would have no answers. Many that know the GB are wrong say nothing in fear of being harrassed, spyed on, or disfellowshiped or shunned.

    Even just using the bible and not their litriture leaves one open for being accused of thinking for themselves, being independant of the org is apostacy. They are trapped by their own willingness to stay in that mind square.

  • betterdaze



  • Marcel

    JWs cant be wrong. and when they are they receive new light and after that they arent wrong once again. and only a fool would examine the past. the current doctrine is truth per definition.

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