Ok... I read more than I post.

by Priest73 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Priest73

    But I've been here for about two years, and I feel like I'm friends with so many people that have no Idea who I am. I post every now and again, but mostly I just read. Any other lurkers who feel the same way? -pDog

  • Priest73

    10 minutes and 16 views. I guess I'm right =-)

  • free2think

    Hey Priest, i read a lot and post alot lol, but i thought i'd say hey anyway.

  • FadingAway

    Hey, I am the same way, mostly read because I'm intrigued by others experiences.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I don't lurk - just wanted to drop in to say I remember you and hi - long time no 'see'!

    Hope life is treating you ok

  • Priest73

    Awesome... I'm here almost every day. I just enjoy reading so much that I forget to post...

  • Priest73

    but it feels good to be remembered. thanks.

  • tnangel73

    I mostly read, also. A lot of times I just don't feel as if I have anything else to add to the discussion as others have adequately covered everything that could be discussed in it.

  • misanthropic

    Hello...I'm not really a lurker, just thought I'd say "Hi".

  • reneeisorym

    I just thought I would post my 2 cents about all of you that think you don't have much to add.

    I really enjoy it when I get the same viewpoint 3 or more times when I post a question or want the advice/opinions of others. It helps me to realize that more than just one person feels that way. So I just want to encourage you to post even when its already been said.

    But continue to lurk and read all you want. If that's what makes you happy, that's what makes me happy :)

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