Meeting RollerDave and seeing his aposta-truck up close

by Gopher 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gopher

    Sometimes when someone new comes on the board and makes a big splash, you wonder if it's all for real.

    RollerDave arrived on this board in the last couple months and has lit it up with his insight and wit, including recent experiences dealing with his old family and congregation.

    After I PM'd Dave here I learned he was indeed the same Dave I knew back in a north-side Minneapolis Kingdom Hall oh so many years ago. We talked on the phone last weekend and actually got together for the first time last night.

    As I expected he is just as genuine and witty and fun as he shows on this discussion board. And what a nice family he has now.

    He took me for a ride in his "aposta-truck", and it is 7 feet tall and 21 feet long, decked out in chrome, just as described on this forum. It would have been quite a sight in the Kingdom Hall parking lot. I know and remember his old family well, and they are exactly as he describes them.

    As an added bonus - his family are huge fans of classic rock and the Electric Light Orchestra (my favorite classic rock band). Heck, his daughter can even play some of their tunes on her keyboard.

    I can say I'm glad this board brought another friend into my life, one I expect to regularly visit (if he'll put up with me). And Dave I hope you're okay with my posting this.

    Jeff a.k.a. Gopher

  • Briguy

    Right on! The aposta truck story brought a smile and a few laughs out when I read that as well. Good stuff.

    Glad to see friends getting together.

  • nvrgnbk

    Happy for you Gopher!

    Glad you guys connected.

    Dave's an exceptional person, and you're not too bad yourself.

    Here's to friendship!

  • changeling

    Thank you for today's warm and fuzzy moment gopher!


  • RollerDave

    Oh, now I am blushing.


    Thanks Gopher, it was a hell of a nice evening, you are welcome anytime, we always have plenty of steaks, brats, beer and whisky-sevens on hand!

    We love having company, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

    I do come across as being pretty bombastic, unlikely, and larger than life I guess at times, it's nice for someone to see that having a way with words does not automatically mean that I'm full of shit. Or a complete nutter.

    I hope to have an apostafest here at 'The Point' and it will be nice to have another voice on the board who's met me and seen the place.

    So, Gopher,

    Thanks for coming out, and a wonderful time! And for posting about it!

    Roller (of the 'pleased as punch' sheep class)

  • candidlynuts

    hey nutters are great people... if i do say so myself lol

    sounds like you guys had a great visit and i hope you continue your friendships.. good friends are hard to thats not true.. good friends used to be hard to find when we let a religion dictate who we could welcome into our homes and hearts!


    Sounds like great fun !

  • joannadandy

    woot - another Minnesota Apostate!

  • snowbird


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Glad you guys had a chance to get together. I keep hoping to run into someone here from my JW days. You proved it can happen.

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