Do you ever wonder...

by changeling 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • johannahw

    I'm probably the only one who does this but I always go by my first name and last initial or the nickname "Joiey" that my sweet hubby calls me. As for the pic, that's me though it's about 10 years old. I have a polaroid from a couple years ago I haven't scanned yet. I'm kind of timid about using that one -- I was being treated for metastatic breast cancer and I was totally bald. I'm about 5'6" and weigh 174. I'm working on losing weight and have lost about 25 so far. I've got like 40 lbs to go. So that's me. Johannah

  • NotaNess

    Assumptions and guesses about me are welcome. Let em rip. I won't be hurt...just vindictive! J.K.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Does wac wear "tiddy whiteys" all the time?
    lol. A few on here have seen me in person ... as you will know, I change my avatar as much as I change my underdraws ... which is about once a week ;-)

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    My avatar is my great grand'ma, a plain rustic woman in french province, although I'm a He. The picture must date back to the 1880s or so. I like the interrogative look in her eyes, my mum had the same. To me this look conveys independence of judgement.

  • BlackPearl

    OK, the BlackPearl, Jack Sparrow theme? I guess I was attracted that as an avatar Jack Sparrow...on the surface everything looks fairly innocent and easy to handle. He always seems to be in control, but deep down inside Jack is very out of control. Sometimes that's how I am, very in control, or at least I think I've got it all under control. The reality is though, I don't have it all under control, but you wouldn't be able to tell that as onlooker. On the outside it's, swashbuckling and fighting for your dreams. On the inside, it's, "Oh shit, that's not gonna work out like I thought", I'll have to think of something else. Now that I think about it, like Jack, I somehow always have an Ace up my sleeve and things really do work out. Don't ask me how, I just always do. Just when you think ol' Jack is dead, he comes back better and stronger than before. That's me. My life's been full of challenges, but it would only seem boring if I didnt' confront them, even the ones I don't like. It just makes me stronger and more at the ready to take on the next challenge.


    P.S. I have no idea why I chose "BlackPearl" as my avatar name, it should have been "Jack Sparrow". Can I change it?

  • nvrgnbk

    I think the combination of the Jack Sparrow avatar with the Black Pearl as your nick is perfect.

    Guess what my nick means.

    I am nevergoing back to that soul-raping cult!

    Die cult, die!

  • BlackPearl

    You know, Nvr, I just figured that out the other day. n e v e r g oi n g b ac k, it hit me right square between the ears. NVRGNBCK. I don't how I picked up on it, but I saw right through it.


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