opinion on judgement day...what u think?

by gotcha 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gotcha

    cool....so are u like jws in many ways like the prohibitions and stuff?

  • MikeNightHaShev

    A lot of things are personal preference rather then restrictions.
    I don't drink or smoke, don't support unecessary movies which overly blown glorify murderers or murdering like that Natural Born Killers Movie. Just my preferences nothing more as I'm not ultra Orthodox or anything.

  • gotcha

    what's the main diff btw the talmud and the bible?? do u like know how to write or speak hebrew??

  • Bang

    Gotcha wrote:
    < do any of you know about the catholic perspective of fundamental orientation/commitment? >

    Bang replies:
    The Catholic ideal is concerned with caring for the poor, visiting the needy, visiting the prisoner etc., and keeping oneself. Considering the saying, "you search the scriptures but don't come to me", the Catholic perspective is to approach the Lord within one's fellow - that's the teaching anyway.

    It has been said that the poor are blessed, broken and handed out for our sake. John spoke about how the judgement works (those whose deeds take them to the dark and to the light etc.); you'll find that those who disregard their fellow in material ways mightn't seek God, seek a different god, or only seek Him in a book, and so become discouraged or even deluded - in the dark anyway. The WT society shows an attempt at a different way to God, the false prophecies and confusion are the result - the darkness of not finding Him, the Light. No one needs to be a literary expert to understand it.


  • gotcha

    hello fundamental option/commitment is the orientation of the person towards good/evil..this tells us that particular acts are not reflective of a person being good/bad...but particular acts are also important because constant doing of right/wrong can further affirm your fundamental option...if u keep on doing what's opposite of your fundamental option then more likely it would shift to the opposite...but what's nice about this 'theory' so to speak is that it is the inclination of the person that is judged...so in connection with 'judgement day' i was thinking that maybe we'll be put in a situation wherein our fundamental option will be tested
    and actually a religion/non religion is like the training we get before we take the final test...like school

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