Ooo-oo-ooO! Picture!!! Tucson Apostafest!!! :-O

by Kudra 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • smellsgood

    Ok smellsgood, it's on!

    *grabs Spectre around the neck and musses up his tresses with an atomic noogie* infuriating Spectre!! *runs away thinking how good she is at bringing it on in such an original and mature way*

    If you don't find this threatening enough, the six year old I consulted on how to get at you has more where that came from!

    Nahh, I was just teasing you Spectre, you're like a manly man with shiny tresses. What do you use, Pantene Ice shine?

    OMG, Spectre has a huuuuuge crush on misanthropic!! Heard it here first folks, misanthropic you better watch out, Spectre is totally hot for you!

  • misanthropic
    Misanthropic, you are really cute!!! Wowza! And you guys all looked comfortable and like you were having a good time there. Buncha wild apostate fun!!!!"

    Thank You Bluesbreaker
    Hopefully I'll get to meet darth Frosty when he's down.

    OMG, Spectre has a huuuuuge crush on misanthropic!! Heard it here first folks, misanthropic you better watch out, Spectre is totally hot for you!

    Nah, he's just an incredibly nice person (plus I paid him to say that so it doesn't really count.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    like who doesn't have a crush on misanthropic????

  • Spectre

    Ok youngun,

    I. You can't reach that high so I am still noogie free.

    2. Pantene Ice Shine? You calling me a meterosexual? little you know me.

    3. I will neither confirm nor deny said "crush".

  • arrowstar

    YAY!! pictures!!

    What a great lookin' group of people!

    Aren't these get-togethers fun?

  • misanthropic
    Aren't these get-togethers fun?

    yeah they are, I can't wait until the next one.

  • Confession

    LOL! I look like I have a crewcut in that shot. I had a great time with you all. Thanks for posting the pic, Kudra!


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