Discovery Channel: A Haunting

by The wanderer 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Discovery Channel: A Haunting

    I am seriously considering contacting the show’s producer to find out
    how they acquire information about the show “A Haunting.”

    For those individuals who are unfamiliar with the show it features
    individual cases of paranormal activity in different worldwide locations.

    The Discovery Channel seems to be a reputable show; however,
    I need to double check its sources about this particular show.

    If you are familiar with the show, what are your thoughts governing it?



  • Mary

    The only one I saw was the one "A Haunting in Conneticut" which freaked me right out. I couldn't finish watching it. I don't know if the story is true, but if it is, then the parents should have been charged with extreme emotional abuse. The basis of the story was that a family had two sons, one of which was very ill. I can't remember if he had cancer or what, but they moved to a new house so they could be close to the hospital for his treatment. Unbeknown to them, they were moving into a former funeral home. There weren't enough bedrooms upstairs, so the two boys had a bedroom in the basement where all kinds of weird shit started to happen. They were freaked out, stressed to the max as they could see what looked like embalming going on in the next room.

    So they left the lights on 24-7, even when they slept. The father hit the roof when he got the electricity bills, ignored what they boys were telling him, and he took the lightbulbs out of their room so they couldn't leave them on any more.

    Whether or not this actually happened, or whether it was the boys' overimagination; what disgusted me is that the parents left two terrified boys (one who was very ill) to sleep in a basement with no lights on. What kind of parent does that?

    Anyway, other weird stuff happened too, but I just didn't feel comfortable watching so I turned it off. I have no idea if this stuff can be verified because most of the people have their faces 'in the shadow' so we don't know who they are, their names, or anything.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Mary:

    First thank you for your posting. Second, I have
    decided to contact the shows producers.

    Discovery Channel Viewer Relations
    P.O. Box 665
    Florence, Kentucky
    United States

    Thanks again, Mary.



  • Warlock

    I've seen a few. Very interesting.

    Some are hard to watch, though.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    They probably get some of the stories from the parking lot at a local kingdumb hall. I watch the show I like watching scary stuff.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Warlock:

    Agreed! I recall the one Mary watched
    and it left you with a lump in your

    I have just finished writing a letter
    to the shows producers to ask the who,
    what, where, why, and how's of the



  • Warlock
    I watch the show I like watching scary stuff.

    Especially if it might be true.

    How can anyone be afraid of a guy wearing a pumkin on his head after watching this show?


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Well if you wearing a pumpkin on your head whilst I'm tied to a tombstone in a cemetery in the middle of the night I think it'd be ok if I shit my pants

  • snarf

    I am an avid watcher of that show, as well as others regarding "real life" hauntings. Although I believe in paranormal, I almost wonder if some of the stories are exaggerated for entertainment value.

  • wednesday

    I did a search to find this. I saw The haunting" today. It was very interesting. the one i saw had 2 different episodes. I thought the first one was more believable and the one you are looking at above was less believable. It seamed to me that the real woman telling this story 'borrowed" a lot of stuff, the grim reaper, "here's Johnny", and chunky the killer doll. it just did not ring true. Plus they had to do an exorcism and all.

    the first episode the husband ad wife were dispatchers for the police dept. The interesting part in it was, (and my husband noticed it first) was when the paranormal investigator gave to remove the spirits from the house, he held up a NWT BIBLE.

    how strange is that? the guy in the reenactment actually helped the 3 spirits to "go to the light" and it was very interesting. But no jws would ever do that. I can see them coming in and praying and telling her she had demons, but not that.

    very interesting.

    edited to say, for some reason i cannot open thread thread correctly. The discovery channel opens and I cannot see any post beyond the first one. I had to click on someone else post to use the reply.

    can a mod kill that link?

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