How Many People Here Have Been "Disciplined" By The Elders?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I have never had an actual reproof (though that will likely change if they can get in touch of me after seeing the Christmas tree go up in the window). However, they have made big deals out of stupid things, like they needed to stop:

    (1) I would go out in service improperly dressed. It would be somewhere near freezing or a bit warmer, and I would be comfortable with my suit coat (the same one that they want people to wear when it is 110+ out). They wanted me to wear a winter coat, too. Also, they got on me about wearing a white dress shirt instead of a light yellow one (tan suit), making sure the collar button is buttoned when the weather is hot and humid, and the issue of shoes that had to look in perfect condition.

    (2) Virtually any contact with the opposite sex was looked down on (itself a disassociation issue). They didn't want me accepting rides with sisters after the book study, despite that it was right on the way. Rather, they wanted me to go home with a brother, even though it would result in more extra distance and time for them. (Note that this was not even a situation where I was in borderline conduct either). I only wish I could have made a great big Christmas tree pop up right in the middle of the Kingdumb Hell upon that.

    (3) They always wanted me to pretend to be happy. They gave me a W on a talk because of that--at that, I had already got an I on that point, since they wanted me to pretend to be happy. That was another time I wish a Christmas tree could have popped up on the stage.

    They also took all the fun out of service: When it is icy, they wanted me to not slip and slide on the ice in fun because it didn't look dignified (I wish that hounder would have instantly slipped and fell on ice and got hurt, possibly enough to end up in a wheelchair and unable to continue pioneering). Obviously, such crimes as running, getting ahead of the group, and paying attention to the landscape or the TV or radio were also forbidden.

    Ultimately, I lost my burdenprivilege of being the assistant for the Theocraptic Misery School (and got took off the school), not for bad conduct, but for missing too many meetings. One night I had a talk and I blew it off. I never got another one after that. And I am not seeking to gain any of these white elephantsprivileges back.

  • minimus

    Lone Ranger---I know people who have been on restrictions for YEARS.

    Mary, what the f^ck is wrong with you????

    WT Wiz, what speech point is "happiness"?

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