My daughter is in surgery....

by Mum 30 Replies latest social family

  • nvrgnbk

    for SandraC and Rebekah

  • ex-nj-jw

    I hope everything goes ok, let us know how she's doing.


  • Mary

    I really hope everything goes well with your daughter. One of the guys I work with had the same problem a couple of years ago and he had the surgery. He's doing MUCH, MUCH better now.

    Keep us posted as to how your daughter's doing. Thank god we live in a day and age where they can do stuff like this to help people.

  • why???

    Im sorry hear that. I also had acute sinusitis and had to have surgery to take out a nasal polyp. I think its coming back!? I do wish your daughter all the best in the surgery and a speedy recovery so she can enjoy life again!!!

  • Mum

    Thanks, folks.

    She is home now. She in on morphine for pain, so a little groggy. She had some applesauce and antibiotics and is now resting in bed. She looks better than I expected - no black and blue marks, although I understand those might appear later. She has a small gauze bandage taped under her nose.

    You are so right, Mary. Modern medicine makes miracles happen every day. It often occurs to me that there would be little hope for the world if not for those "selfish" people who insisted that the human race could advance through research and learning and passed their knowledge down to be expanded, making a better life possible for each succeeding generation.

    Many thanks,


  • Quandry

    Glad your daughter is back home now. I am sure she is so happy to have you there to care for her, Mum.

    What you said about the ones who pursue medicine and their tireless research is so true. Is it really God's will that no one get over a high school education? There are so many unselfish Doctors and nurses and researchers whose desire it is to help their fellow man. I admire them greatly. Yes, where would we all (including JWs) be without them?

  • Hortensia

    glad your daughter is home safely, hope she recovers quickly as well. It will be wonderful when she doesn't have the headaches any more and can breathe freely.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery with not too much black and blue! and hoping it was a complete success

  • Mum

    We are now four days post surgery. On Wednesday she had stents removed from her nasal passages. She is doing better every day, far less pain and discomfort. Today she will finish her course of antibiotics. She seems to be healing right on schedule and very well.

    We are all ready for her to get her life back.

    Thank you all again for your kind words and support.


  • delilah

    Sorry Mum, I just saw this thread right now. I'm glad your daughter is doing much better.

    Here's hoping she will have a complete recovery and no more troubles with the sinus's.

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