I don't want to Die in this system!!

by Save My Soul 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I have noticed many of my parents friends are slowly passing away. The daughter of a PO told me he became inactive a year before his death because he never thought he would die in this system. He started smoking and watching porn as well. All in his late 70's.

    I have a friend in her mid50'swho told my wife that She did not twant to die in this system.

    Do you know any staunch, devout JW's that are starting to sniff the Kool-Aide. They realize they will die in this system and start to slooooow down in meetings and FS?

  • bigdreaux

    i like that movie little miss sunshine. the grandpa was the best character. i like when he was asked if he thought it was crazy to start doing drugs at his age. he answered, you have to be crazy not to. lol

    i sure hope the older ones start slowing down and become the inspiration for young ones to leave before they waste their lives.

  • misanthropic

    I wish I did. Everyone I know of that's still "in" is too afraid to even consider the thought that they might be wrong, or the fact they it's even possible they might die before "Armageddon comes".

  • IP_SEC

    Even ones who wont admit it, subconsciously it is nagging them like a hen pecking wife. (or husband) lol

  • sammielee24
    i like that movie little miss sunshine

    I absolutely loved that movie! I don't many people that went and saw it but I really thought it was award worthy. A fine film! sammieswife.

  • steve2

    The Watchtower breeds infants - children who are never allowed to grow up and get used to normal developmental stages - such as growing older and dying. The children are 'entertained' with fairy tales about bad giants being killed and victims being saved. Trouble is, the victim children are never allowed out of the house to have a look around and see that there is more to this world that giants and victims.

    Slowly, it dawns on these perpetual children that they've wasted their lives listening to the Watchtower. They've never allowed themselves to grow up and face the world as it is. They live in fear of dying because the promised rescue package has still not been activated. The children within the Watchtower see no way out except through a supernatural fairyland rescue package.

    It's way past time these little children girded their loins and faced the world. They're paying the price for handing their life decision's over to others.

    There ain't no fairyland and there ain't no rescue package - or at least, the only rescue package is the one marked "Personal Responsibility".

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    At my moms funeral a "sister " told me she can't imagine losing her mom . I looked her in the eyes and said "Well I suggest you start preparing yourself now because your mom is the same age as my mom . We are all going to grow old and die ! " Poor thing she just looked back, wide eyed ,and confused as if she had never thought of it !

  • Namasti

    And yet every single person alive today will die in this system. All we have to do is look at the past. How could they not put the facts together in their heads. They need to do the math. But all that is needed is a different hope, one that involves having some sort of brain.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    We are all going to die in "this system" for a very simple reason:


    There is no "new system" just around the corner.

    There is no Hell, there is no Heaven, there are no angels and no God. What you see with your own two eyes is it. Religion is a snare and a racket, remember?

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    Poor thing she just looked back, wide eyed ,and confused as if she had never thought of it !

    Can you believe this, you gave her the NEW LIGHT!!! Good News, you may be a prophet, bad news- we subscribed to these lame idiotic teaching from a twisted interpetation of the bible. I get the same response. I tell people, when I die, I have this insurance policy, and they say insurance? Why? The new order is............... Wow, how pitiful we were, how pitiful they are!!

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