2nd and 3rd responses to my UN Letters

by Ranchette 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Ranchette

    The second response came from a couple that were good friends in my congregation.
    The response was simply my unopened letter returned to me. Remember I’m not DF or DA’d so someone must have warned them not to open any thing from me.

    Now for the 3rd and more dramatic response! It comes from an old time family friend on my husband’s side.
    I tell you, I still see the bridge burning on this one!
    It is as follows,

    Dear (Ranchette)

    How sad to throw away four lives in this time of the end. Jehovah will prevail whether you or I prove faithful. Nothing you do will stop His purposes.
    You have chosen to be one of the little specks in a sea of Satan’s organization. I can’t imagine what has changed you. If someone did you harm, that person will have to pay.

    Do you feel that Jehovah has used you to straighten out His organization?
    The events of late show that the wars are in the name of religion and as we know, religion will be stopped. But Jehovah’s people will never forsake him. This is exactly as stated in the Bible. And you THINK you are going to straighten out the Organization.

    We have all loved you and you have thrown everything away. Do not write me or send me anything else.
    My heart belongs to the only true God, Jehovah.


  • ashitaka

    it's sad really...do they all use the same form letter?

  • mindfield

    Just like my sis... no argument to support the watchtower's decision, no reference whatsoever to their actions, just bland rhetoric that we've heard so, so often...

  • pettygrudger

    God - they really believe this war is in the "name of religion" - what war wasn't if you want to get literal about it!!!!!

  • cyberguy

    How exactly was you letter worded?

  • Ranchette

    Cyber Guy,
    Here it is ,

    Hello, I’ve missed you. Just a short letter to say hi and let you know that we are all doing well. I hope this letter finds you doing well to. The kids are growing like weeds!
    Recent events have every one wondering if this is it? There’s excitement and anxiety both for just about everyone.

    I thought you would find this interesting.
    I went to the UN’s official website and found out some information I didn’t know before.
    The UN has governmental members as we are already aware of, but I found out that they also have non-governmental organizations as well. They are called NGOs and are associated with the DPI or (Department of Information) section of the UN.
    In order to become a member an organization has to show proof of their non -profit status, fill out a lengthy application, promise to support the UN and its goals and promote its Charter. They must also promote the UN’s DPI information in their literature.
    I was not surprised as I scanned down through their alphabetical listing of members to see just about every religion and church you could think of listed. Catholics, Jews, Muslims and on and on. I was feeling very smug, thinking about all these religions “prostituting” themselves with the “Scarlet Colored Wild Beast “ That feeling didn’t last because when I got down to the W’s guess who I saw listed right along with the rest of them. Yes, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!!!!!!
    If you call the UN you will be told that the Society has been members since 1991.
    We all know what happens to a witness who joins any governmental organization. You are automatically disassociated! Their hypocrisy and corruption knows no bounds!
    This info has caused such uproar that the UN and WT society is being swamped with phone calls faxes and emails. Some have already disassociated themselves; some are just in shock not knowing what to do!
    The UN was sent copies of some of the negative things the organization has put in its literature about them. The UN is now having a special meeting to review their membership.
    The Watchtower society has been riding the back of the wild Beast for 10 years now. They never counted on the Internet exposing their affair!
    It all makes sense to me now. Before, I couldn’t figure out why the society had changed their tune even saying nice things about the UN in the magazines over the last few years.
    I know you don’t want to hear this and probably don’t believe me so check it out for yourself. The UN website is at: http:/www.un.org/MoreInfo/ngolink/brochure

    There’s so much more that you don’t know about this organization. I won’t say anymore because I think this is more than enough to digest for now.
    I am not happy about this but I love you and you deserve the truth about the “Truth”.

  • Ranchette

    I do want to point out that I have had positive results from some on the net that I've shared this info with.One told me it was the final straw for them.
    They were more receptive because they are already disturbed,thinking and looking for answers.
    There are many people we can help but sadly it just may not be the ones we want to the most at this time. That shouldn't keep us from trying.

  • joelbear

    Those who respond positively have already disconnected themselves emotionally from the Watchtower society.

  • cyberguy

    Thanks for posting this, Ranchette! I'm assuming you're looking for some kind of support from those you wrote to. Therefore, can I offer a little advice?

    I understand your indignation and disgust regarding the hypocritical position Watchtower has placed itself. This issue makes my blood boil too! I'd like to get out the verbal flame-thrower just as you have done, and torch everyone I know in the org.

    However, why not try the JW technique of letting someone discover for himself/herself the validity of a religious belief or view? Wouldn't this approach be more effective in getting your point across? In other words, state your concerns, site references to the web site(s), raise some questions that concern you, and then let the reader draw their own conclusions, rather than state them yourself.

    For example, after stating your discovery of this information at the UN web site, you might simply say: "Am I being overly sensitive about this? Can you think if any reason why the Watchtower would join the UN as a non-governmental associate and has been an associate for 10 years? I'm sure you can appreciate my concern."

    Just some friendly advise.


  • Ranchette


    Who knows your probably right, but all my friends and family already viewed me as an apostate over exposing them to the child abuse issue.Shunned without any official ruling.
    The chances of them listening to any thing I had to say no matter how I put it is slim.But others may learn from my experience.
    I don't mind the advise.

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