Baptized at 12 years of age

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I recently had a very interesting conversation with an online friend. She was baptized at 12 years old because her 15-year-old boyfriend was baptized, and she wanted to spend time with him. Pioneering was the only option, so she got baptized. I was alarmed, wondering how a parent can allow a 12-year-old to make such an important decision. Her mother's explanation was that there was an article in one of the magazines that "advised" parents to let their young ones get baptized IF THEY WANTED TO. How does such a young child even know what they want anyway?

    Since then, she's been twice DF, and now she's questioning whether she wants to remain a JW. She commented that sometimes she feels like she's living for her parents and elders, and not herself. She's depressed, unhappy, and utterly miserable. I asked her whether she truly WANTS to be happy. She replied "Yes, but I don't want to die at Armageddon either"

    I tried to reason with her that if Jehovah judges the heart condition, and she's "serving Him" with the wrong motives ... it makes absolutely no sense continuing! She also agreed with me that her life shouldn't be ruled by guilt and fear. I believe that deep down she knows what she should do, but she's just so very scared of making the decision.

  • ex-nj-jw


    how old is she now? I'm assuming she's and adult

    It's really sad how the JW's take a hold onto someone and they just can't break free..sad really sad


  • R.F.
    She's depressed, unhappy, and utterly miserable. I asked her whether she truly WANTS to be happy. She replied "Yes, but I don't want to die at Armageddon either"

    That in itself should tell her alot. True Christianity is refreshing and inviting, as Jesus described it. It shouldn't be the cause of depression. She should really trust her gut on this. It's leading her that way for a reason.


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    how old is she now? I'm assuming she's and adult

    Yes she's in her twenties now. She's unmarried, and is in love with a married non JW who happens to be her ex-boyfriend. She admits to being torn between him, and looking for someone within the organization.


    Children being baptized makes my blood boil. JW's make such a big deal of not baptising infants. The only difference is these children get to blame themselves for making what should be an adult decision.

  • ex-nj-jw

    My advise....leave the married exboyfriend alone, leave the WTBTS alone, find her self then find someone to fall in love with that is not already in a committed relationship!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I've got a special soapbox reserved just for the "baptizing kids" topic. Grrrrrrr.

    Just don't quite feel like going into detail today.

    I'll just share this: At our DC there was a little girl sitting in the front row of dunk victims. Her feet were dangling about 12 inches off the floor.

    *shaking head in disbelief*

    Open Mind

  • hilannj

    I was baptized 2 months before I turned 11.. I am now no longer a wittiness, but its so much crap, just because I know all the answers to their stupid questions, they think that I am ready to make a lifelong decision but I cannot date until I am mature enough to make a lifelong choice about who to marry, which to them is when I was 18. as if that makes any since.

  • Mum

    hilannj: Welcome to the forum. Let us hear more from you.



  • Mum

    FFM: If you are still in touch with this young woman who sounds very confused, tell her she needs to know who she is and what she stands for before getting into a relatiionship. She is not in a good frame of mind to choose wisely, and the fact that she is involved with someone who is unavailable is pretty good evidence of this fact.

    She needs to get counseling, take a few college courses, test for vocational interests and build a life based on her own priorities and inclinations. She sounds desperate for love and acceptance. My heart goes out to her. I hope you'll continue to encourage her to a better way of living.



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