update time

by thebiggestlie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • thebiggestlie

    ok first of all i want to apologize for not coming in more often and saying hi, i guess im just lazy. RichieRich did show me that thread from last week with yall asking about me and i intended to post but i completely forgot and other things got in the way but i do want to say thank you for being so kind and caring. Ok So i had my first elders meeting the other day with the subject at hand as "bad association" seeing that my parents caught me sneaking out to hang with my "worldly" girlfriend and her friends. But lucky enough for me i covered up my tracks enough to ensure a less incriminating alibi. I called one of my guy friends and told him that i was with and he backs up my story. Well the elders meeting was everything you expected. 1 Corinthians 15:33 and all that. I gave all the right answers to all there questions and made sure not to say anything to raise any other redflags. My dad and i havn't been getting along lately and hes been bent on the fact that i'm caught in some kind of fire. If he only knew the truth..... SO at this point im way past the point of no return, ive commited a number of "disfellowshipping" offenses and oddly enough feel no guilt or shame. Granted what ive done in the last several months is nothing extreme by anyone elses standards but still i guess ive sucessfully freeed my mind of the JW concept. i dont know, maybe ill feel the effects later....who can really say. I do feel some guilt for lying to my parents though, naturally i still love them and i know that in there eyes all they want is the best for me and they honestly think that they have "the truth" and i feel bad on that end seeing them like that because they might feel like they are losing there sun and thats why im trying to keep things pretty mellow and level right now. Im not ready for another major fallout or anytbing and to keep with my plan of a "slow fade" after i move out i gotta play this game carefully. (despite what you may have heard i have not in fact DAed or anything of that nature although a DFing might be in my future if i dont be a little more careful) My own beliefs right now are pretty chaotic and scattered but thats not suprising seeing that im only 17 almost 18 years old, ive kinda come to the realization that i will never really know "the truth" about god and the universe and all that even if such a thing exist, so im fine with sticking with whatever "truth" personally makes sense to me at any given time and allowing that to grow, evolve and develop as i go through life. THats the only way i can rationalize everything at the moment. trying to makes sense out of this whimsical static called life. ill keep you all posted if anything comes up and ill try to keep my visits here less infrequent and spread apart. YOuve all helped me oodles even if you dont realise that Peace nick (myspace.com/darkly_darkly)

  • thebiggestlie

    ugh formatting went haywire (sp?) it was all neatly displayed in separate paragraphs but so much for that, could it be firefox?

  • TheListener

    Hang in there Lie. You are lucky to realize it's all a bunch of crap so early in life.

    You're going to have some rough times ahead, but you will come out of it ok if you have level headed friends and are level headed yourself.

    Good luck. Maybe your parents will follow your lead one day.

  • unique1

    Sounds like you apeased them for the time being. I hope it will last long enough for you to move out. Best Wishes.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I know you think you don't know much, but I sure wish I had your wisdom when I was 17.

    Open Mind

    p.s. Did you call yourself a "Peacenik"?

  • Quandry

    SO at this point im way past the point of no return, ive commited a number of "disfellowshipping" offenses and oddly enough feel no guilt or shame.

    It's interesting that when a person is young there is little "guilt or shame" felt, but things that you do when young can haunt you for the rest of your life. I urge you to exercise care in what you do. Not only for your health, but also your future marriage prospects, career, education, family name, etc.

    Just because you know that he WTS is a man-made organization doesn't mean you should live your life without moral considerations.

    One reason I say this is because I still believe in Jesus who was a marvelous example of doing the right thing, and another is because you still should have a desire to be a good person and have a bright and fulfilling future and accomplish good for your fellow man. Too many young people do hazardous things and die or are horribly injured or have regrets.

    Take care.

  • VanillaMocha73

    yes... Firefox does not preserve your formatting - you have to use for real HTML tags. Imagine my surprise when IE brought up that nice formatting box? But IE at work wont read aspx pages, so Firefox it is.

  • R.F.

    I agree with Quandry,

    Be careful Lie. Don't lose control. Play life smart. It can be a big temptation after you are loosened of the WT shackels.

    I am glad that you dosee the WTS for what it really is at a young age though. At 17, your life is really just beginning!!


  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey kid,

    You are the most mature 17 year old I think I've ever heard (read).

    I can't even imagine my 17 year old or 19 year old making the kind of decisions or facing the problems you are facing!

    Hang in there, stay with your plan and most important GET YOUR EDUCATION!!!!! You are going to need it not so far down the line. If you can hang in there you will be fine.

    I admire you for respecting your parents and being able to acknowledge that they truely think they have your best interests in mind.



    And just in case you didn't know, we worry about you, all of us!

  • thebiggestlie

    aw man thank you all so much and you know i reread my post and realised that when it comes to the "disfellowshipping" offenses that i've commited so far none of which being anything to dangerous or risky just typical teenage antics. Although they arent anything serious i understand why you warn me and why i do need to watch out. Don't worry i wont ruin my life over just a couple of moments of misguided or even abandoned reasoning. I'll try to keep things fairly mellow for both my sake and for everyone else i knows sake.I don't have much time at the moment to write anymore although i have more to say but i'll peep in after the bookstudy tonight, its snacknight (argh) lucky me :D

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