Dad is doing good..

by ex-nj-jw 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ex-nj-jw

    First of all I want to say thanks to all those sending good thoughts/vibes and even prayers!

    My dad made it through 7 hours of surgery, he did loose quite a bit of blood but he's a tough old man and is hanging in there. The stroke affected the left side of his body, the doctor thinks he will have some loss of function on his left side, but until he actually wakes up fully and goes thru therapy we really won't know.

    I don't know if it's because I'm a nurse or if the nurses and doctors were tired of dealing with the JW's and my mom, but they gave the ok for me to see him in the recovery room (mom was busy praying with the PO and thanking Jehoover and not the doctors). He opened his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek, I told him that all his children were there, mom was ok and that we all loved him very much. That he had to be strong because he has too many people that love him dearly and we are not done with him yet. I asked him to blink his eyes if he understood me and he did!!!

    My 2 oldest brothers and I stayed at the hospital only leaving to shower and change clothes. My sister (older) is diabetic and has heart disease herself so we made her leave and get some rest, It's funny in a way but the JW family members and mom were very concerned about where they were gonna go and eat, maybe get some sight seeing done, and of course last night was a meeting that they needed to attend WTF is that about??

    I'm introducing my brother's and sister to JWD, they had no idea this forum existed , so now I think I'm gonna have to fight them for my laptop, I need to catch up on JWD, and it gives me something to do while sitting here at the hospital, he's in ICU so we only stay in the room for short visits at a time. Maybe they will become JWD addicts also!

    Thanks again


  • mrsjones5


  • Hortensia

    "maybe get some sightseeing in?"

  • R.F.

    Glad to hear!

    Sounds like everything will be alright.

    I'll continue to keep you all in my prayers.


  • nvrgnbk

    Glad things are going well, all things considered, ex-nj-jw.

  • Highlander

    I'm happy you got on that plane.

    No doubt, you are also happy.

    Best of luck for your dad and his recovery.

  • lonelysheep

    Oh, I'm relieved to hear he is ok!!

    I'm introducing my brother's and sister to JWD, they had no idea this forum existed ,


  • misanthropic

    Great news! I'm glad to hear it all went well.

  • Quentin

    All right then...

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear ex,

    I am so happy to hear your good news!! And how wonderful it was that you got to be the first one to see him!!!! He will never forget that I am sure!! Then to top it off, your brother and sister are open to the forum?? WOW!! That is wonderful!! Tell them hello from us!!


    Lady Liberty

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