What do you think the JWs will be doing on the 4th of July?

by Blindbutnowisee 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    What do you think the JWs will be doing on the 4th of July?


  • Kudra

    When I was a dub we'd always get up on th roof, drink and watch the fireworks. MS included.

    but going and paying to see them at the fairgrounds would be BAD.

  • WTWizard

    They will be urged to make a whole day of going out in service to take advantage of people being home. This year, it is midweek, making it especially urgent to get those people while they have the opportunity and there isn't a meeting to cap the time in the evening. The ones who are most theocraptic will be up for street work at 5:30 in the morning (as if they were going to get anyone there and then), and then they will go door to door starting at 9:30 AM to disrupt the picnics and cookouts that are being prepared for later that day.

    Of course, there will be those who will break the rules and see the fireworks. There will also be those that break the rules and just take the day off. Perhaps some will go out part of the day, and go in when it gets too hot. But the Craptower Society really wants people to take advantage of the people being home, no matter how hot it gets. This isn't supposed to be a day off for those God machines, any more than Christmas is.

  • carla

    My jw is very lucky to be married to an evil unbelieving mate! He gets to go to all the holiday family functions and can blame it all on me! Picnic tomorrow and we already went to fireworks maybe we will hit another fireworks on the way home! I suppose he tells people at the kh how awful it is to have to take part in all these worldly things but to keep the peace he will put up with good food and conversation free of gloom and doom for a few days a year for my benefit. ahh, true love. The poor boy will have to be jw free for an entire day, if he starts to get the dt's what do you advise? Two awakes and one wt and call you in the morning? How about one silentlambs brochure and one cult book instead?

  • bronzefist

    The CO and DO will be at the congregation I am suppose to be attending. I would guess many more than usual will be out..... praying that their return visits DON'T answer the door. Some may even pretend that they are ringing the doorbell.


  • Quentin

    Since I plan to be up late tonight and sleep in tomorrow they will be met at the door by me and my pistol...........I haven't seen a jw on the streets where I live in ten years...if their smart.they'll be doing what I'm going to do...least I spect that's what most will be doing...always hated holiday door knocking, embearssing....

  • restrangled

    All the ones I know will be cursing the explosions, and blaming their lack of sleep and pet problems on the worldly celebrations.

    r.....(welcome to my world after holidays)

  • Arthur
    yah that'd be great , go out in field service where every drunk in the US is getting blasted. That'd make some great personal experience stuff on thursday night.

    Now I know what was missing from my field service bag - a flask. I’m convinced that had I been smart enough to take a few (or several) swigs of Bacardi 151 before each morning of door-to-door work, I could have been much more effective. With a good buzz, the 144,000 doctrine would have made perfect sense, and Beth Sarim wouldn’t have bothered me a bit.

    Householder: "I’m not interested".

    Arthur: "Yeah, well, neither am I."

  • Blueblades

    Bethelites won't be out in the field as it is a workday for them. The locals will have to do the grunt work. However, the bethelites will enjoy the fireworks on the top of the bethel roofs, eating pizza, hotdogs and burgers while swallowing them down with a cold beer.


  • heathen

    It'd be funny , everybody have a water pistol ready when if they show or some fire crackers to shake them up some LOL

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