Just got a phone call

by ex-nj-jw 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ex-nj-jw

    Just got a call from my JW mom, she wanted to let me know that my dad was taken to the hospital FRIDAY!!!, he had another heart attack. He is on a ventilator and needs bypass surgery (again) but the doctors can't operate since his hemoglobin is low and he has been on coumadin (blood thinner). The good old no blood policy strikes again!

    So it's a very real possiblity that my dad won't make it and my loving mom didn't think it was important enough to let me know sooner! My 2 JW brothers (the only two that are still in) are already there, but she told me I should wait until they get more news.

    My 2 other brothers and myself should wait..... WTF, does she think I don't love my dad? or my brothers don't love my dad? because we are not JW's. My youngest sister is not a JW but she happens to be the GOLDEN CHILD!!!!!

    I'm so upset I don't know what to do, should I get on a flight there and just stay in a hotel, maybe sneak in to see my dad to hug him and to tell him I love him just one more time before he passes? should I stay here and wait for further instructions from such an unloving mother?

    Sorry to rant.. I just don't know what to do


  • purplesofa
    What do you want to do?
  • Gopher

    Can you call the medical staff at the hospital, identify yourself, and see if you can get an assessment about the seriousness of your father's situation (before hopping on a plane without knowing the real situation)?

  • ex-nj-jw

    I called the hospital, due to the HIPPA policy they won't give me any information. I'm waiting for my girlfriend who is a flight attendant to call me back, she's going to try to get me flight out ASAP.

    I know I won't be welcome but i have to go, if my dad passes and I don't have an opportunity to at least tell him I love him, I'll never forgive myself!


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I agree with Gopher , call the nurses station tell them your situation (living out of town ) and get their input . Then do would YOU need to do , your an adult now Mom no longer needs to give you permission . My JW mom died this past winter ..I was glad I was there at the end .

  • PEC


    Go to him, you can not tell him you love him after he is dead.


  • slmdf

    If your heart is motivating you to go.... GO! Don't let JW doctrine stop you from doing what you know to be right... what you know you need.

    You deserve to be able to tell your Dad you love him. Don't let anything get in the way of that.

    I hope everything works out. I'll be thinking of you.

  • Highlander
    Sorry to rant.. I just don't know what to do

    You already know what to do.

    Get on that plane and do the right thing.

  • Gopher

    Ex-nj-jw --

    Since you cannot learn about your father's condition without going there, I hope you can go there! Don't let your mom's attitude get you down.

    I missed my last chance to go say goodbye to my grandmother last year, I can't get that chance back.

  • mrsjones5

    I would go...even if I had to sit outside the door of the room...giving a real good witness of how loving the jws are...he's your dad for God's sake!

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