Protests at our District Assembly Tomorrow

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    I think the idea of wearing masks is an excellent one! In fact, if more people would picket or rally in front of some major venues using masks and hand out leaflets explaining that if they don't, their families or they will be suffer painful consequences, then curiousity is bound to get the better of many, many members of the public. What other religion does one have to wear a mask to hide behind just because they leave??? As for the quote about the bible truth - well, perhaps the sign that says (referencing another post) the WTS has CHANGED the bible 52,000 times - why?..might make people ask the same question. sammieswife.


    DogPatch/Randy..That is one of the coolest protests I`ve heard of..Who could forget something like that?...OUTLAW

  • kgfreeperson

    It would be especially wonderful if the masks represented members of the GB--especially the much-beloved Ted.

  • valkyrie

    JH, if I may be allowed to make a correction to your interpretation of the first paragraph [other, minor errors don't significantly alter the meaning:

    Those protesting had this to say:

    Exclus pour la plupart de leur famille à la suite de leur départ des Témoins de Jéhovah, ces manifestants ont invité les participants au congrès à s’interroger sur la rigidité de leur mouvement.

    « Je veux les aider à sortir de cette secte qui bafoue leurs droits, entre autres de recevoir des transfusions sanguines quand c’est nécessaire », indique Jean-Philippe Cossette, un ancien adepte. « En faisant des pancartes, on essaie de réveiller certaines personnes », ironise-t-il, en référence au magazine Réveillez-vous que distribuent les Témoins.

    Baptisé en 1993, cet infirmier s’est retiré du mouvement six ans plus
    tard afin de recouvrer sa liberté de pensée, dit-il. « Les Témoins de Jéhovah n’ont pas le droit de penser, de croire et d’exprimer ce qu’ils veulent, sinon ils peuvent être exclus, c’est-à-dire excommuniés », déplore M. Cossette.

    Those protesting, most of which are disfellowshipped, wanted those who attended the assembly to think about how "strict" their religion is.

    I want to help them to get out of this cult, that takes away thier rights, such as having the right to receive blood when it may become necessary. By this protest and signs, we are trying to Awake a few JW's.

    Baptized in 1993, this male nurse, quit the JW organization 6 years later in order to get back his right to think. The JW's he says don't have the right to "think, and express what the feel". If they do, they will be disfellowshipped says Mr. Cossette.


    Exclus pour la plupart de leur famille à la suite de leur départ des Témoins de Jéhovah, ces manifestants ont invité les participants au congrès à s’interroger sur la rigidité de leur mouvement.


    "For the most part shunned by their families following their departure from the Jehovah's Witnesses, these protestors invited those who attended the assembly to consider the strictness of their religion."

    [The article writer does not here indicate whether the protestors were disfellowshipped, disassociated themselves, or simply walked away.]

  • Gill

    Jehovah's Witnesses need to have their noses rubbed into the fact of what happens to a person who refuses a blood transfusion who needs one desperately.

    They are constantly told the stories from the bOrg of the close calls and survivals of people who could have bled to death.

    Apart from the notorious martyrs wall of youths in 1994, the bOrg like to keep the deaths quiet.

    To have a person demand that what happened to his brother be publicised to the Witnesses is important.

    JWs do NOT like to think about the blood issue. It is too scary. That is why the bORg have got away with their slow changes that most of the Witnesses don't understand and so continue to refuse blood products of any kind.

    I hope this man manages to make his point!

  • JH

    That's correct Valkyrie.

    Some of the protesters are shunned by their familes because they left the organization.

    Disfellowshipped came to mind because in french the word Exclus is the word they use to say you're disfellowshipped.

  • sammielee24

    In addition to what Gill said - what about a wall of shame being made up - a huge piece of board that could be placed out on the sidewalk either outside every KH that is picketed or DC thats being held - make it big - and list the names we have for a start of all those who have died as a direct result of the blood issue - I think there is a list linked somewhere here that is in the public domain already - .....the public at large never hears about those who have died....add on an approximate number of deaths by shunning....then let the media have a hayday. The image becomes more real when a name and age is used. One might also include a script from the teachings on education. Keep your children dumb lest they leave the society headliner...again, let the media do the job after they take a photo of the wallboard/sandwich board..swife

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