Protests at our District Assembly Tomorrow

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    They do more good than you can imagine, regardless of how tacky the opposers seem.

    I paid to send an airplane over Dodger Stadium years ago after leaving Bethel with the message:

    1980 Watchtower shakeup 310-........

    As late as 7 years later I got phone calls from JWs who went into the bathroom or whatever to write down my number, and who later left with their families. I would say probably seven peopel contacted me in all; who knows how many were really affected enough to leave and didn't contact me?



  • quietlyleaving

    I think one is in the pipeline at our assembly too.

    I'm not sure of the legal ramifications though.

    For instance is it alright maybe to print business cards with an internet address on it and leave it on seats, or in toilets at the convention?

    Could one be hauled away by the police for disturbing the peace or causing a fracas

    In other words would one be breaking the law?

    I'm completely ignorant on this having spent most of life in the borg.

  • greendawn

    Great to have some pressure on the JWs so that they will not think their is no resistance to their cultic propaganda. Surely the ex JW that lost a relative to the blood ban will be very angry as he sees the ban getting weaker all the time with fractions being allowed now. You either use (eat as they see it) blood or you don't use any of it.

  • Junction-Guy
  • poppers

    Wow Randy, what a great idea!

  • nvrgnbk

    Hats off to you Randy(dogpatch) for that!

    Think that's why most of the DCs are held indoors now? LOL!

  • JH
  • JH

    Jonathan Lavoie, le frère de Jean-Claude Lavoie, ce témoin de Jéhovah décédé en décembre dernier après avoir refusé une transfusion sanguine, manifestera contre le groupe religieux lors de leur congrès annuel qui débute demain au Colisée Pepsi.

    Jonathan, the brother of Jean Claude, a JW that died last december after refusing a blood transfusion will protest against the JW's during their annual assembly in Quebec City.

    L'homme de 33 ans en veut toujours aux témoins de Jéhovah qu'il tient responsables de la mort de son frère. Jean-Claude Lavoie est décédé à Saint-François-d'Assise il y a exactement six mois hier. À 26 ans, il avait refusé une transfusion sanguine qui aurait pu lui sauver la vie pour des motifs religieux

    The 33 year old man holds the the Jehovah Witnesses responsible of the death of his brother Jean Claude who died six months ago at age 26. He refused a blood transfusion that could have saved his life.

    Accompagné d'une dizaine d'ex-membres des témoins de Jéhovah, il sera présent dans le stationnement du Colisée Pepsi dès 7h30 vendredi matin. Son action a essentiellement deux objectifs.

    Accompanied by about a dozen ex members, he will be present in the parking lot of the Pepsi Colisium at 7h30AM Friday morning. He has 2 objectives.

    «Premièrement je souhaite que les médias parlent d'autres choses que de la propreté du Colisée après leur congrès. Deuxièmement, je souhaite sensibiliser le gouvernement au danger que représente les sectes. C'est ridicule qu'en 2007 les fanatiques religieux soient capables de se laisser mourir au nom de leur foi», explique Jonathan Lavoie qui a quitté le mouvement à l'âge de 17 ans.

    First, he hopes that the media will talk about more than just the cleanliness of the Colisium once the congress is over. Secondly, he hopes that the governement will wake up to the dangers of these cults. It's ridiculous that in 2007, fanatic religions are able to let people die in the name of their religion, says Jonathan Lavoie, who left the organization at age 17.

    Certains des manifestants porteront des masques. «Des anciens qui seront là ont encore de minces liens avec leurs familles et craignent de perdre le peu de contacts qui leur restent. D'autres travaillent dans des milieux où il y a d'autres témoins de Jéhovah et ont peur, tout simplement», fait savoir M. Lavoie

    A few that will be protesting will have masks on. Some who will be there still have a certain link with their familes et are afraid to lose the little that they have left. Others who will protest, work with JW's and are afraid to be recognized.

    C'est à l'aide de son forum qu'il a réussi à retracer les anciens témoins de Jéhovah qui viendront manifester avec lui. «Au début, ils avaient peur mais à force de discuter avec eux ils ont accepté», ajoute M. Lavoie.

    Il déplore aussi qu'il n'y ait pas suffisamment d'aide pour les gens qui sortent des sectes. «Il n'y a aucune prévention qui se fait sur les sectes au Québec. On n'en entend jamais parler. Pourtant il y en a beaucoup. Aucune aide non plus aux gens qui en sortent, aucune aide pour les familles dont l'un des leurs a été embarqué dans une secte. C'est dévastateur pour les familles», conclut Jonathan Lavoie.

    Thanks to a forum, they were able to find other JW's who will come and protest with him. At first , they were afraid, but after talking with them, they accepted to protest says M. Lavoie.

    Also, there is little help for those who want to get out of these cults says Mr. Lavoie. There is no prevention agaist cults in Quebec. We never hear about any. There is no help for people who want to get out. It's terrible for families who break up because of this cult.

  • dedpoet

    First, he hopes that the media will talk about more than just the cleanliness of the Colisium once the congress is over. Secondly, he hopes that the governement will wake up to the dangers of these cults. It's ridiculous that in 2007, fanatic religions are able to let people die in the name of their religion, says Jonathan Lavoie, who left the organization at age 17.

    I wish him well. The jws will scream "persecution" as usual,
    but if what he is doing alerts others to the dangers of getting
    caught up in a cult like the watchtower, then his efforts will
    have been worthwhile.

  • Junction-Guy

    Even though I cant be there personally, I stand behind him in principal.

    I know alot of XJW's will say "what about their persecution complex?"

    The way I see it is this---If no one stands up against them they will say "see we have Jehovah's blessing"

    If people protest they will say "we must be the true religion because we are being persectuted"

    They play it both ways, so you might as well expose them because they will say whatever they want to make their cult look better.

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