What's the main purpose to the out of town Assemblies?

by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Illyrian

    First and foremost they look at the bottomline and where they will get greatest return on investment. Like any other business they also keep count of their expendable resources. For watchtower it is their people who will pick up the bill and humbly obey, then when they are not needed bend over and gratefully receive kick in the butt. I don't think there is any business other than in places with legitimized slavery where those in charge enjoyed such an easy ride.

  • garybuss

    willyloman, I certainly don't know that comp rooms are a main reason for out of town assemblies. I wanted to expose the kickbacks the Society wants to keep secret and to expose the cash sales of some of the free rooms. You gave me an opportunity to do a better job. Thanks!

    The comp rooms are certainly a benefit to the Society and I see nothing wrong with them receiving comp rooms. I do have a problem with the lack of disclosure and I have a problem with the rooms being sold rather than given free to people in need such as families with children forced to drive 2 hours each way every day because they can't afford to pay for the rooms.

    There are practices used at the assemblies such as the charging for free parking, charging for free rooms, omitting donated funds in the financial report to solicit additional funds, and labeling working vending machines "out of order", that I have a problem with. Those practices might be "legal" but they're not ethical and I don't appreciate them. The Society practices misrepresentation of facts and misrepresentation is another name for fraud.

    In my opinion, based on their behaviors, the Witnesses don't have any right to criticize any other group until they clean up their own act. It seems to me like there is more and more distance between their teachings about their behaviors and the actual behaviors all the time. The Watch Tower owners are so worried about the behaviors of the Witness teenagers while the Society itself is on the ethical bottom and digging.

    I'm ashamed to ever have been associated with them.

  • juni

    Thanks Gary for the info. Dang religion!

    Should've thrown that damn candy machine at the idiot! I'll never forget that experience you related.

    I got to go and cool down...... just pisses me off no end.


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