What's the main purpose to the out of town Assemblies?

by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    With all the meetings JW's attend each week, why do they need a District Assembly or Circuit Assembly?

    Is it to show how BIG the organization is or is it just to baptize a few.

    Couldn't this be done staying in their home town

    Is there a financial advantage to the Watchtower to have these assemblies out of town ?

  • Mariusuk.

    I think part of the reason is to help jws meet partners, seriously

    Secondly with the monotony of weekly meetings jw's NEED something different to look forward to. You remember what your KH was like pre convention? The place was buzzing!

  • unique1

    So you will have to spend at least two of the ten vacation days you get from work in forced service to Jah.

  • JH

    I remember back then I used to take days off from work just to attend those meetings.

    I had a seasonal job from mid June to mid November and the assembly was at the end of June or first week of July, and on my first week of work I had to take 2 days off.....

    I was off since 7 months and took 2 days off my first week back to work, they must have thought I was lazy or something.....

  • Mum

    Good question. Another reason besides those already mentioned is that it gives the JW's the illusion that they took a vacation, actually went somewhere away from home.

    In Married to the Mob or one of those organized crime movies, the woman who is narrating the film points out that all of the mobsters and their families went on vacation together, probably to keep an eye on one another, i.e., the same reason JW's all take a vacation together. It prevents them from being "out there," away from the watchful eyes of their "happy and loving" brothers and sisters, so they won't visit the museums, libraries, concert halls, ski resorts, golf courses and other "worldly" attractions while they're in town.



  • greendawn

    They used to hold their conventions in Twickenham which is on the South-Western extremities of London. I never wondered why that specific venue they obviously needed a big stadium for lots of people otherwise it may have been more central to the district from which the audience was due to attend. Or perhaps cheaper than other venues, who knows?

  • JH

    So, they see an out of town assembly as a vacation???

    I never saw it that way.

    For me, a vacation is on a sandy beach looking at God's creation all around me

  • anglise

    I think all these CA's, DC's and SAD's serve several needs

    To nurture a sense of urgency - there is always something to get ready for with coach seats, parking, days booked from work and of course the items and demos to rehearse.

    It also serves to give an even greater feeling of self importance to the BOE (as if any where needed with some of them) and anyone involved in organzing any of the above.

    It keeps the cong busy busy busy with no time to step back and THINK.

    It also brings in extra injections of the really important stuff ££££$$$$$.

    Anglise of the now very cynical class

  • Honesty

    Out of town Assemblies get JW's closer to


  • WTWizard

    To disrupt the routine of the members. Nothing breaks things up like having to take a weekend off out of town. And then, once you get back, you are supposed to get into a routine of more service.

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