good in jehovah's witnesses

by John Doe 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    JW marriages tend to be more stable and they have some sort of spirituality however misguided and manipulated they may be by their leaders.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Good in Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I live in a rural area. Chickens pick little bits and pieces of "treats" out of fresh cow patties.

    So, there is some good in cow patties, however, is is still a pile of shite.

    Shaking my head, again,


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Actually, yes, there is much good in cow patties. Did you see the thread here on manure the other day? :-) A lot of nutrients are placed back into the soil through manure. Many fine gardens have prospered because of it. So, are you going to think about the stench, or are you going to think about the great tomatoes and corn that come from the organic? ;-)

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Good grief, bro.....

    This group is a not "nutrient" they are poison and weed and bug to a person's spiritual "garden."

    The JWs bring bad advice, hypocrasy, lies, deciet, family division, irationality, myth as fact, historical re-writes, bad health advice, doctrines of men that are spiritual insane....

    There is no good, here, John...none at all. This is delusional nutty-ness dressed up in a not even a tux.....a mid seventies poly suit.......wide tie and all......


    I cringe,

    V PS: No good.....

  • Threestars

    The "Borg" is bad but yes, there are good souls among the masses of Dubs. I recall an older sister who befriended me even though I was DFed. She preached to me whenever chance she got and, now, this is strange: my sixteen year old daughter was doing some work helping her with a disabled woman. I had occasion to give this sister a ride to her field service meeting on Saturday morning since I insisted that I would not let her walk such a long distance. We drove down the street where the house was and I said, "Kathy, do you want me to pull down a few no can can see you with me?" She thought a moment and said, "No!, just stop right here." At my Father's memorial service, a few years later, she came up and spoke to me openly, braving the gossip and possible retribution from the Elders. I will never forget her kindness and "bravery". It takes a lot of guts to go against such strong mind-control. Her human kindness prevailed. She taught me a lesson that in all groups, no matter how much we may scorn them, there are REAL people, people who can be good and kind, in spite of the worst sort of indoctrination.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    She is a stealth apostate....will be df'd if she keeps it up.

    I appreciate you kind, considerate feelings toward her attitude and actions.

    Take care...keep posting....


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    I tend to agree more with Ozziepost than neverendingjourney on this one:
    - Even the very best of them (JWs) would still shun all of us here like we were the proverbial country lavatory!
    (An example of this that I am unlikely to either forget or forgive is my son's funeral the other year).

    By contrast, recently I spent some time in renewing old acquaintances from over 35 years ago - which for me was just before the Watchtower Madness took hold completely.
    While someone did mention that a few had wondered "how I could have got sucked in with that lot" (and well they might ask!), all were still happy enough to have me as a friend.

    As for in "The Organisation"
    - well, there I met some of the nastiest types imaginable.
    (My first introduction to domestic violence was "In the Truth" - I will never forget that, either).

    - as regards the others, their goodness is strictly conditional; and it is rather scary that they can turn that on and off like a light switch.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith
    The "Borg" is bad but yes, there are good souls among the masses of Dubs

    I agree with that! I know my mom tries her best to live up to what she has been taught. She is one of the very few people I know that refuses to gossip about anyone. If someone strarts their sentence with "Have you heard about so and so" She just answers "No I haven't and I don't want to know either. Whatever they've done is between them and Jah and we should not be talking about it behind their backs." That usually stops the gossiper in their tracks! She is otherwise totaly misguided and her engergies totaly misplaced but I think the world would be a better place if we all stop gossiping.

  • Grammy

    When I first became a witness, our congregation had some kind and caring, usually older, brothers and sisters.

    Those were the days.


    That was my experience also Warlock... I joined in 1974 and spent the next 26 years in the same congregation, there were many sincere, kind and caring individual witnesses who I really liked even loved... I really don't have a negative impression or bad feelings towards individual witnesses, they are misled and brainwashed just like I was, it's the people who run the organization that I hate and despise. Grammy

  • undercover

    I try to not lump all JWs into one, single category.

    When I was still active, there were some JWs I liked more than others. There were some that were decent people and some that were not so cool to be around.

    The only real difference between then and now is that I don't have to pretend to like people that I really didn't like. You had to put on a fake smile and bit your tongue at the insensitivity and rudeness of some people. Some people took advantage of that mild spirit that we were supposed to have and abused people right and left. Over righteous elders were some of the worst abusers.

    Now, I try to look at JWs the same as any other religion. I don't lump all Catholics into a steroetypical class of choir boy molesting priests. In the same way, I don't lump all JWs into a stereotypical class of child abusing elders or penny pinching tightwads. Each religion can be highly criticized for their shortcomings, but not all members are guilty of terrible atrocities or bad manners just because of their belief system.

    I try to judge each individual JW by their individual merit and how they act toward me and around me. If their a bastard, then I'll try them like a bastard. If they're a decent, well-meaning person, then I'll treat them with respect and kindness.

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