Crumpet withdrawl

by Vernon Williams 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    I think its a case of I have exhausted my sugar - its all gone and I need to find a new Mr C to Pour Some Sugar On Me and get myself together.

    If all you need is a sugar transfusion, I'm sure you'll find countless donors on JWD alone to step up to the plate and do their civic duty.

  • eclipse


    Come back sooon gurl, we all love you so very much.

    I adore you, I think you are the sweetest thing next to belgian chocolate and truffles...

    Find your inner strength, dig deep, there is happiness in there, it comes from within you, do not let someone else steal it from are too wonderful to let yourself fall into a deep despair....

    I will miss you, we all will miss you, come back to us sooon!

    If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, and I know you have many, here is one more...PM me anytime...

  • yaddayadda

    Your new avatar pic is very sexy. Looks like you've got more sugar lately, not less babe.

  • misanthropic

    Crumpet's wonderful, I have withdrawls on a daily basis. The forum just doesn't seem the same when she isn't around...

  • Crumpet

    Thanks MisA! I miss my daily filling of you too!

    Hi Nina

    I hope you find all the happiness you deserve. I will miss your humour. Let us at least know how the exams went.


    Thank you Mrs Smith. I just got my results back from the exam essay this evening and I got the best mark for my whole course so far 80% which I am delighted with. Yay! I'm not a dummy after all! Thanks everyone for your support.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    I missed a point or two:

    What is your professional goal?

    This "exams" are related to what major in school?

    Wishing you success in all things,


  • Crumpet

    I am doing a Bachelors in Criminology and Psychology. I'd like to maybe get a job on CSI as Grissom's side kick doing forensic

    I'm doing it because it interests me and I need to do a job that stimulates me more than this one does. I hope that longterm it might get me that niche skilled professional job in the States. I'd quite like to work in prisons with young offenders ... but I need to check my motives are pure on that one...LOL!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Crumpet, well done girl, knew you could do it!!

    This board is definitely not the same without your wonderful presence.

    We miss you.

    Keep in touch.

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