Are elders more "pure" than the other JW's ?

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I always considered elders like "cops" in the congregation, looking into other people's business and looking for faults. They give the impression that they are pure and do no wrong and by the fact, they can judge others and counsel them.

    I'd love to turn the tide around and find out about their faults and sins.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Many elders are more indoctrinated into following orders. That makes them more "pure" in the
    eyes of cult leaders. So in a sense, YES, they are more pure.

    In reality, they are company men who play the game better. They don't tell their sins to the BOE
    moreso than the average publisher. They are forgiven for their "minor" indescretions where a publisher
    would be reproved.

    In reality, they have put in their dues of Ass-Kissing, and now they do less of the foot-soldiering work
    of the recruiting than most publishers do. Their excuse is that they are too busy, or their hours are
    high, but more of it is spent in shepherding and organizing and speaking from the platform.

    In reality, they are sinners like any other JW, some are worse, some are better. They are not
    more "pure" except as noted for some in my first sentence.

  • purplesofa

    NO, no way......that is what they are trying to drill in peoples heads,

    The mags say over and over, obey the elders, elders can even mess up and its ok.

    Don't ever believe anyone is more pure, better, smarter, has a better heart that YOU yourself.

    I am going to sound like JamesThomas, but look within yourself, find yourself, discover yourself, know yourself...... so that you do not fall prey to this scam.


  • Rooster

    Elders are grown men who didn’t get enough attention & love from their parents when they were children.

  • Finally-Free

    They are corrupt, they are liars and they are good at it. That's how they became elders in the first place. Someone who is honest could never climb the theocratic ladder to that level. At best an asskisser can become a MS, provided he uses a lot of tongue.


  • ibme


    Me thinks


    Hit the nail on the head


  • zack

    The bullshi* that comes out of most elder's mouths is pure and unadulterated---- unlike their worship of God.

  • brinjen

    No, (former elders on this board excepted) they just think they are. I've known the odd elder that at least appears genuine, the majority were not.

  • emptywords

    I always considered elders like "cops" in the congregation, looking into other people's business and looking for faults. They give the impression that they are pure and do no wrong and by the fact, they can judge others and counsel them.

    I'd love to turn the tide around and find out about their faults and sins.

    SPOT ON.......they are policmen, and they pick and look at at faults of their imperfect brothers sadly who are trying to live up to unloving impossible doctrines that the society dishes up. The elders are the biggest hypocrites of all.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    No, they are imperfect men, just like everyone else. They only have power over you if you give it to them.


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