Is There ANYTHING That Could Get Your Friends & Relatives Outta The Org.?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Could you think of anything that might put them over the edge?

  • Honesty

    About the only thing I can think of that could get my relatives outta the Org is death.

  • return visitor
  • minimus

    that's too bad

  • Hortensia

    My relatives eventually all came out - one sister through losing interest, and the other because of the way she was treated when her husband had a notorious affair that shocked the entire community. My sister was treated as the bad guy because she was angry and hurt, and her husband was very convincingly repentant - although he has a history of being a womanizer and likely will do it again to the new wife.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Video of the entire GB having their way with a beast of the field.


  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Video of the entire GB having their way with a beast of the field. the entire GB having their way with a beast of the field.

    You have to realize that these men are imperfect. But this is still Jehovah's organization.....

  • jaguarbass

    Behavior originates from within, someone or something would have to provide a very strong stimilus to show the error of their ways. Since religious belief is an intangible ideology getting someone out of the organization would be a very tall order.

    I go back to Zen when the student is ready the teacher will appear. I dont think a lot of these guys are going to finish baking in this lifetime.

  • Gill


    They're hopeless cases!

    And you know what, I really don't care any more!

    If they want to believe that they're better than everyone else and they will live forever by idolising a book publishing company then they deserve their fate.

    In the ever wise words of Dansk, when the student is ready the teacher will appear! Until then, they're all in detention lock down and I really don't give two hoots for the arrogant mooses!

    In a sad and pathetic way, they amuse me. I used to be as bad and worse. I'm fascinated to see if any of them metamorphise into intelligent, self thinking human beings in the coming years. I do not care for their arrogant shunning and infact I find it very funny now! Did I really used to be so stupid? It is a truly humbling experience to see others as you used to be.

    I have learnt that they cannot be woken up from their nightmare. Like sleepwalkers, they have to be left to their own devices until one day, something in 'da troof' stubs their toes and wakes them up!

    The future will be intersting! I hope non of them walks of the 'edge of a cliff' in the near future by following WT doctrines, but until then, I've got my own life to catch up with.

  • Hermano

    I agree with Gill. There's not one thing that will do it for everyone. When the person is fed up is when they wake up and see the truth. Until then, nothing will do it.

    Having said that, I think it is great to see media coverage on the child abuse settlement, and the UN scandal. These things show that they are just like any other religion, except worse because of the cult aspects.

    My wife is still on the inside, but I really dont think she beleives all their crap. I think she stays because of the social aspects of it. It's like the people in field service who would say I was born a Catholic and I wil die a catholic. It's more about family/friends/traditions than about Truth or pleasing God.

    I think if most witnesses got new friends and developed a new sense of community they would leave. Cause I think most of them know, deep down, that "the truth" is mostly crap.

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