Excited to Attend D. C. Next Weekend

by Cold Creek Swimmer 19 Replies latest social humour

  • lawrence

    It's all about a positive mental outlook, and it looks like you have one. Don't forget to put WTs in the van back windows, so that if you get driven off the road, you can use the persecution reason.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Wow...the only thing that would make this whole deal "funner," if I was going, is if they reworked my circumcision: with no pain killer....


  • DoodleBearRae

    Don't forget the entertainment of watching parents beat their children black and blue in the bathroom for not paying attention to the uplifting spiritual food either! Heaven forbid they be children .

    Bring your change of clothes so you can help the qualified brothers and sisters plunge the toilets afterwards. It's always rewarding to hear that your efforts paid off in a discount in rent for the Society...

  • Poztate

    A short reminder brothers... If someone keels over from a heart attack or stroke DO NOT CALL 911 for help. It dose nothing but disrupt the program having paramedics running around trying to save lives while the bountiful spiritual feast is being served. This is nothing more than a snare from Satan to divert out attention from the more important things in life.

    Please just drag the body brother off to a quiet corner and our own qualified personnel (took emergency first aid for a day) will take care of it.

  • ninja

    whenever someone feels the need to defend the witnesses....remember this pertinent fact.....even David Icke thinks they're nuts

  • JeffT
    Can't wait for people who know me to comment on my facial hair.

    In August '88 we went on a 10 day or so camping trip, during which I regrew the beard. The day I got back we ran into two elders at a grocery store, who were giving me funny looks while we stood there talking. We'd already been to the KH for the last time, so I didn't care much. What's funny is after listening to all the JW crap about how the world associates beards with hippies or whatever, when I got back to the office everybody there loved it.

    For me, growing that beard was sort of a catharsis.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear ColdCreekSwimmer,

    Have a FABULOUS time!! I cannot wait for you to run around after the sessions in shorts and a tank top!!! And with facial hair to top it of!! OH WHAT WILL THEY SAY???!!! Be sure to let us all know how it goes!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Gopher
    The extreme temperatures inside and outside of the arena in the Tri-Cities will be as a breath of fresh air when combined with the loving, spiritual guidance being dispensed at the proper time.

    CCS, you aren't kidding! Our family went to the Spokane convention back the year Armageddon came, 1975. It was miserably hot inside the non-air conditioned coliseum, close to 100 degrees inside and out. Sunday was the worst, and they were cutting talks short to get us out early.

  • watson

    Have a FABULOUS time!! I cannot wait for you to run around after the sessions in shorts and a tank top!!! And with facial hair to top it of!! OH WHAT WILL THEY SAY???!!! Be sure to let us all know how it goes!!

    Yes, but be sure to wear your badge to get the full effect!!

  • ramtrucker

    The last D.C. I attended was at the Tri-Cities Coliseum in 1999. It was DAMNED HOT! Well over 100 outside the coliseum.

    To add to the misery, my soon to be ex-wife's family was sitting directly below me on the floor of the coliseum. One of her nieces sat staring up at me the entire time I was there. (I went with my father and a couple of my faithful sisters.)

    It was near impossible to keep from nodding off. The only thing that made it bearable was the hard-hard bleacher bench. LOL To get leg room sitting on those benches, one must turn slightly sideways which always makes it hard to keep from bumping the ones sitting below with my knees.

    To make matters worse, I have a hearing problem. The society's sound system leaves much to be desired, so most of the discussion was just a babble of noise to me.

    I've experienced the same problem as far as the sound system goes at the assemblies held at the Puyallup coliseum as well.

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