"The Truth", who coined the term, when did it begin circulating in JW land

by Bob Loblaw 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    Anytime I hear one of my family members or any other JW say the phrase "the truth" in a sentence it makes my blood boil.

    Christians of different denominations may ask each other:

    "how long have you been a christian?"

    "how long have you been catholic, lutheran, evangelical,..etc.?"

    "how long have you believed?", or "how long have you believed in Jesus?"

    JW's say:

    "How long have you been 'in the truth'?"

    I find this phrase so incredibly irritating. I realize when members say the phrase that they don't really think about what they are saying. Its just a part of the mind control.

    Yet, the phrase is so incredibly arrogant.

    So I've been wondering:

    When did this phrase begin circulating in JW land? Did any one particular person coin the phrase? Did it appear in literature at a certain point? Or was this something that was slowly spread by word of mouth from the top down to the R & F?

    Are there any other religions/ cults that use this phrase when referring to themselves?

  • nvrgnbk

    Are there any other religions/ cults that use this phrase when referring to themselves?

    Great topic Bob Loblaw! And the answer is yes. I'm certain that en ex-Seventh Day Adventist mentioned them using the term as well. Regrettably, I can't find a link for you at this moment.

    Perhaps another poster may refute or substantiate.

  • zack

    I'm pretty sure by now that Satan must have coined the term.

  • Frank75

    I cannot recall which books reveal that this expression along with "The Way" are used to train the members that they are exclusively the ones who know "the Truth". But this is common and I believe even the Moonies use it.

    Read through some of the cult books and you will find it is commonly used. There are "Twisted Scriptures" about one woman's journey through an abusive and controlling religious group. (She never mentions JW's in the book but you will think it is about JW's if you were one) and then "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" about mainstream American Christianity where cultish practices are used by many groups and leaders. Terminology is very similar to JW's in these groups as you will see.

    Very good read! I recommend them highly!


  • dedpoet

    Most cults tend to use the term to describe their teaching. I read a
    book a while ago by a former Peoples Temple member, and she
    used the term to describe her beliefs when she was first indoctrinated.

    I guess it's used to reinforce the brainwashing of new and old converts -
    continually telling them they have "the truth" makes them less likely
    to listen to anything else.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    A couple of years ago, my wife started using the term "The Lie" to describe the teachings of the JWs.

    Kinda funny,


  • Abaddon

    I've heard a baptist use it...

  • LongHairGal

    This term used to make me cringe, even in the early years when I was active. I couldn't articulate back then just why it made me feel this way.

    Now, I know it is because I didn't realize I was in a cult.


  • Honesty

    The World Wide Church of God (Herbert Armstrong)


    The United Church of God International (Former WWCoG members)

    All say:

    "I have been in the truth for 25 years?"

  • reneeisorym

    Most Christians believe Jesus is "the truth" (the way and the life ... no one gets to the Father except through me)

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