Using School Assignments to Give a Witness

by Mysterious 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I have heard numerous parts on this on the Service Meeting. They have stories about where people incorporate Witless beliefs in school assignments, get that A on the project, and get several classmates to study, one or more of whom get baptized and is now a pioneer. This is just one more tool that the Tower is using to get people to join--using school projects as a commercial for an organization that is a total scam.

    If I were a teacher or professor and saw this, I would make the student redo the project. All those references to the Craptower and Asleep magazines would not be enough. I would have them use as references some secular sources, especially now that the Internet is available and a Google search will unveil dozens of sources. The rule would be three independent sources: The Watchtower publications would only count as one source, no matter how many different publications were cited. And if the other two sources were totally out of line with the Tower, then the student would have to explain why the Tower is right and all the other sources are wrong (and likely flunk the project for being unable to).

  • Mysterious

    Who could blame you? They always told us the magazines were such excellent references and so valuable for learning. I know youths were directly encouraged to use them for school assignments in fact.

    Wow I can't believe you got permission to bring an elder to class from your teacher. How did you manage that one?

    I don't think you are the only one that used to write like a dub. Even the phrasing in my old high school papers was odd. Yet somehow I've managed to turn into an A level writer in university so I guess they didn't ruin me for life.

  • monophonic

    when i was in 5th grade the teacher asked us to give a discussion on something that interests us.

    i asked my parents for help and they made me paraphrase an article from the awake! on how commercialism is wrong and that we should focus on spirituality.

    so goddam embarrassing when all my friends were giving speeches on football and horses and skiing, etc.

    my parents were idiots, they bought in full force until my dad had a nervous breakdown. i can't believe the stupid witness stuff they got me to do in school.

  • Mysterious


    That sounds traumatic for a 10 year old. I always hated trying to explain why I didn't celebrate holidays in language class..while you could find merry christmas in a textbook glossary it was a little harder to find pagan celebration and false religion..

  • Threestars

    In 6th grade I did an American Legion essay on "Why I Salute the Flag" and, of course my title was "Why I Do Not Salute The Flag". I was scared poopless after I turned it in and then when my teacher called me up to his desk I was terrified I was going to be expelled or something. Actually he said he thought it was great, very well written and he was entering it in the competitition. I got "honorable mention".

    In 12th grade I did a huge research term paper about the supreme court flag salute drama. I went to the law library to do research. I got an A. I remember I ended my paper with the quote, "One man's meat is another man's poison."

    I was a very good writer and could have probably written brainwashing propaganda for the WTS if I had had a penis...

  • monophonic

    i know, 10 years you know what a set up that is for never getting a chance to make out with a girl from school when i was 15?

    actually, there were way too many witnesses in my high school...i think we had about 15....and 11 of them were a direct line to the elders, so we had to make out with sisters from other congregations or i'd get busted.....and worldly girls from other schools.

    amen to witness sisters who were down with some heavy make out sessions. one thing about jws, they have so much practice kissing and dry humping, they're probably the best kissers in the world.

  • monophonic

    [could have probably written brainwashing propaganda for the WTS if I had had a penis...]

    lmfao! thanks for making my night.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I always did school reports from the literature and counted my time (the elders told me I could)!

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I think it was either 5th or 6th grade, my assignment was a book report, from a list of books that you can find at your local library, my parents made me do it using My book of bible stories, I didn't want to I was totally dreading turning it in, well when I told my teacher, she send home a note to my parents that it was an assignment, my parents went to the school and complained. So I did the crappist book report of my life.

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    I remember a related experience:

    We had to clip out a "current event" and a "science event" each week in grade school, and add our summary. 90% of my "current and science events" came out of the WT and Awake. My teachers must have just shaken their heads.

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