Unforseen Times and Bad Haircuts befall us all :S

by Elsewhere 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    When I go to get my hair cut, I have a series of very specific lengths that different parts of my hair are supposed to be cut. Today I went to new place and told the girl exactly what to do... this long here... that long there... watch out for the tricky cowlick over here... etc...

    Did she listen? No.

    Instead she got this very intense look on her face and started going at it.

    Chop... Chop... Chop... Chop... her head bouncing forward and backward in opposition to the jerking motion of her hands.

    Chop... Chop... Chop... Chop... I interrupted her and reminded her about the length on the top. "Two fingers in length, not one." She pulled the hair up to be one finger in length and said, "see, it's two fingers long."

    I said it again. "Two fingers in length, not one" and demonstrated by holding two of my fingers together and then pulled my hair up against them. She said, "Yes... that's what I'm doing", an then showed me my hair up against one of her fingers again.

    My head was starting to look near bald and she was about to start cutting more off!!!!

    I had enough and started to duck and dive every time she tried to cut more off. She was getting pissed because I wouldn't let her cut even more off.

    "Stop! Stop! Stop! It's too short!!!"

    FINALLY she stopped and paused long enough to actually look at what was left of my hair. A look of horror went across her face.

    It was too late. The hair was gone.

    "$17 please."

  • littlerockguy

    lets see a pic? :)

  • Elsewhere

    Sorry ain't gonna happen.

  • delilah

    Uh-oh.....sorry 'bout yer bad hair cut, Else......you sure you can't post us a pic?

    Did you give her hell? I would have....that sucks.

  • Irish Rose
    Irish Rose

    I don't allow any one to even touch my hair. The last time I did, it was so bad the only way to fix it was to shave it all off. And that's not a good thing when my husband like my hair longer.

  • lonelysheep

    Oh no...I've gotta see a picture!

    Sorry she f'ed up your head.

  • serendipity

    How long does it take to grow back? Maybe you could wear a hat? ;-)

  • restrangled

    Sorry Elsewhere, I can really relate. Just happened to me last month. I am still suffering the consequences and it is getting worse not better!

    Hope you recover soon!


  • free2think

    Oh no, thats my worst nightmare, well ok one of them. I hope your hair grows back quickly.

  • lisavegas420

    hahahaha....thanks for making me laugh.

    sorry about the hair.


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