Did you know any "Cool JW" ?

by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    Yeah, a woman from my most recent hall who came over for my study a few times. She is real pretty and did her makeup up so nice, despite the counsel I recieved from a previous hall not to decorate our eyes. I know from all of you, that different halls were told different things (very eye opening lie breaker)-but at the time I got to know her, I thought she was cool. I only gained love for MAC.

    My most recent conductor's husband would go to a local restaurant/bar and drink with a couple MS's from the hall AFTER the SUNDAY meeting. I thought that was cool, but wondered why she never went. Of course, after I left, it dawned on me how much the men are allowed to do things, like it's proper, but not women. I drink and wouldn't have gone for that crap.

  • Finally-Free

    Me. I did whatever I wanted, which was pretty much everything.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Yes, but we always called them apostates. Cool JW? Isn't that what's called an oxymoron?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I had a friend when I still attended meetings who used to make sex tapes with his wife (for their own private use). I thought that was pretty cool. Then he made the mistake of asking the elders what the society's view on that would be. Not so cool!

  • Quentin

    Yup....there we're several of us...individualy and collectivly we did what I'd call "dumb cool"....goofy things that for the most part that would be frowned on, but overlooked...some of it though would have gotten us into jw trouble had we been caught, such as skinny dipping at night, in mixed company I might add, after the local public pool closed...most of us at the time we're tight lipped and had no snitchies amoung the group...

  • Royal Rose
    Royal Rose

    Yes this one guy many years ago, so I married him =)

  • Gill

    My husband!

    He refused to give talks.....and did give a flying fart what anyone thought.

    He refused to say prayers, go on service, do hall cleaning, and didn't give a monkeys rear leg what anyone thought!

    He ignored any 'suggestions' Elders tried to make to him and would simply walk off with no comment and still didn't give a flying fart!

    He tolerated with patience me insisting we go to meetings and study with the kids.

    One day he was super cool.

    He simply said, 'I'm not doing this JW thing anymore. No meetings! No study! No nothing!' The End. He would drop me and the kids off at meetings and pick us up with no criticism or comments one way or another. He told me it was all Rubbish ONE TIME ONLY and left me to think on it!

    Nothing any Elder ever said ever bothered him. He just knew what it was all about and knew it was a nonsense and irrelevant to himself. BUT, he tolerated me as I was.

    He doesn't want to know about JWD! The WT society and its members can go to hell in a hand bag and he wouldn't bat an eye lid.

    Wheras I am Totally Uncool! Still makes me mad! And that's why I'm still here trying to kick holes in the walls of the Tower. He just looks on coolly and nods his head!

    Some people are cool and some of us never will be!!!!

  • changeling

    Out of all these posts I think the "cool award" goes to GIll's hubby!

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