The governing body is "The Christ"

by candidlynuts 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    Mediate means to resolve or settle (differences) by working with all the conflicting parties: mediate a labor-management dispute.
    To bring about (a settlement, for example) by working with all the conflicting parties.
    To effect or convey as an intermediate agent or mechanism.

    A mediator is one who mediates. A mediator is issue defined. I can be a mediator, if I mediate. When the dispute I'm mediating is settled, I'm not a mediator any more because I'm not mediating.

    If Jesus is the mediator between the Governing Body (anointed), and Jehovah, what's the conflict the Governing Body has with Jehovah? Because a mediator needs some dispute issue to mediate or he, by definition, can't be a mediator.

    By the Governing Body saying they need a mediator between them and Jehovah, they are saying they have a disagreement with Jehovah and they are seeking a settlement. Once a settlement is reached, the two parties don't need to mediate anything any more and the "mediator" goes away.

    Jesus still mediates for the Governing Body and mediation continues. What's the Governing Body's disagreement with Jehovah, and why can't they settle it?

  • Honesty

    April 1st 2007 Watchtower?

    page 24 paragraph 13 states

    "It is to this holy temple class that Jesus has entrusted his earthly belongings, which means that certain rights and responsibilities within the Christian congregation belong exclusively to this collective slave. For this reason, all in the congregation view it as their sacred duty to follow and uphold the direction coming from the faithful slave and its Governing Body."



  • Quandry

    Gary Buss-

    What's the Governing Body's disagreement with Jehovah, and why can't they settle it?

    I thought they were trying to say that the governing body (by extension all the annointed) mediated the new covenent for all mankind, in effect making them the mediators for the other sheep class instead of Jesus.

    Did I get this wrong?

  • garybuss

    You wrote: Did I get this wrong?

    I kind of took a left turn from the topic and dug into the concept of mediator. Sorry!

    A mediator is different than an agent. An agent advocates for one party. A mediator does not advocate for one party, and is impartial to the parties, but is partial to the resolution of the dispute.

    If the Governing Body mediated the new covenant, why does the new covenant need mediation? Mediation is used to settle a dispute. What's the dispute that Jesus, or the Governing Body (or whoever is the mediator) is mediating?

    In life and in business mediation is a bad thing. Most people try to stay away from mediation.

    Alternately, if Jesus is the mediator to the anointed, that explicitly says the anointed and Jehovah have problems. What are the problems?

    Alternate, alternate, if the Governing Body as agent for the anointed is the mediator between the anointed and Jehovah, what problem or conflict are they mediating?

    How am I doing?


    The WBT$ is the mediator between God and Jehovah`s Witness`s..Jesus is out of a Job!..And..God would`nt have a job without the WBT$.....Does any of this seem UnChristian to you?...OUTLAW

  • Rabbit
    *** w59 5/1 p. 269 pars. 6-7 Attain Completeness in the New World Society ***

    The whole body under the direction of the head moves and acts as a beautifully co-ordinated unit, perfectly organized. In the same way Christ, the Head, employs the organization that is his body to carry out his assigned work. His orders reach the whole of the organization on earth through the governing body, and on down through the Branches to the congregations.

    And yet..."the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing" !

    The deadly WT Flip-Flop history of blood, vaccinations, organ transplants, aluminum cookware, 1975, "this generation shall not pass...", disfellowshiping, 'what a woman should do if facing rape', etc., etc., etc., proves the Head doesn't control the (Governing) Body.


  • heathen
    ..Jesus is out of a Job!..

    Not exactly , jesus is still mediator for the "anointed" the rest of the j-dubs or great crowd prospects are simply "spiritual jews" that must obey what comes from the society as if it was coming from moses directly from jehovah.

  • zack

    April 1st 2007 Watchtower?

    page 24 paragraph 13 states

    "It is to this holy temple class that Jesus has entrusted his earthly belongings, which means that certain rights and responsibilities within the Christian congregation belong exclusively to this collective slave. For this reason, all in the congregation view it as their sacred duty to follow and uphold the direction coming from the faithful slave and its Governing Body."

    This bit about "sacred duty" should have been enough to make any self respecting worshipper of God stand up and walk out of the kingdom hall. Didn't Christ say to Satan at Mattew 4:4 that is was to God alone that one should render "sacred duty?" Is every one at a kingdom hall asleep when these things are read?

    My wife UNDERLINED this portion of the WT for her lesson that week, and then denied that Brooklyn ever made such claims, When I showed her her own WT mag. with her own yellow highlighter she couldn't muster an explanation.

    Yes. They have taken the place of Jesus Christ in worship to God by placing themselves in his position. They are just more brazen about it as of late.

  • Louie Schabow
    Louie Schabow

    Reading all of these posts is very sad. The last about the poor woman who could not recognize her own actions and then denied them speaks to the thought control exerted over these poor souls. I have watched this organization from the inside and outside and only feel pity for my mother and outright disgust for the organization and blood sucking leeches it represents. Anyone in Fremont Ohio - "won't you guess my name"

  • Sunspot

    April 1st 2007 Watchtower?

    page 24 paragraph 13 states

    "It is to this holy temple class that Jesus has entrusted his earthly belongings, which means that certain rights and responsibilities within the Christian congregation belong exclusively to this collective slave. For this reason, all in the congregation view it as their sacred duty to follow and uphold the direction coming from the faithful slave and its Governing Body."


    This bit about "sacred duty" should have been enough to make any self respecting worshipper of God stand up and walk out of the kingdom hall. Didn't Christ say to Satan at Mattew 4:4 that is was to God alone that one should render "sacred duty?" Is every one at a kingdom hall asleep when these things are read?

    The problem IS....they are NOT self-respecting, or they wouldn't allow themselves to be so terribly and pitfully manipulated by this cult.

    They should rename the magazine, changing it from AWAKE! WAKE UP!!!!!!

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