So I went to see Fantastic Four last night and.............

by free2think 16 Replies latest social entertainment

  • free2think

    I thought it was pretty good. I have seen the first one mind you, so a few things didnt make sense but it was pretty easy to catch up with the plot. Of course the hot guys helped a little.

    So has anyone else seen it yet? What did you think?

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I haven't seen it yet, we are going on Sunday. Tonite we'll re-watch the first one to refresh our memories! lol


  • 5go
    I haven't seen it yet, we are going on Sunday. Tonite we'll re-watch the first one to refresh our memories! lol

    My condoliences. Though I will see this one too, it looks good.

  • nvrgnbk

    Probably see it tonight or tomorrow.

  • 5go

    By the way did galactus appear

  • free2think
    By the way did galactus appear

    The one that gobbles up the planets? yes he ws in it, sorry i got confused.

  • nvrgnbk

    It was very good.

    Galactus reminded me of Jehovah.

    Sorry Galactus.

  • theMartian

    NOW we're talkin' spiritual! It was FABULOUS!

    No foul language, sex, nor blood & guts!

    I know that's a major turn-off for many! LOLOLO!


  • Quandry

    Hubbie and I went to see it. We both liked it very much. The special effects were amazing.

    Glad it was PG. Lots of kids there.

  • unbaptized

    I saw it and the movie was on the money!! I guess they didn't have a concept for Galactus so they used some images that are currently seen in our universe thru telescopes. They did do a great job with the silver surfer. I hear they are going to create a spin off for origin of the silver surfer.

    Also I don't know if you are familiar with the following 70's & 80's cartoons such as underdog, speed racer and iron man, These films are also in production and will be in theaters soon!

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