How Would You Approach a JW "studying" in Public Transportation?

by GermanXJW 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    I get to the office by train. Recently, when I left the train at my destination station I noticed a JW, sitting there, obviously "studying" the "Revelation"-book for the night's CBS.

    It was too late for my, but I was thinking about saying something like "Don't you get it at the third time that this is bullshit?"

    What do you think? Would you approach a "studying" JW? If yes, what would you say?

  • Jim_TX

    Naw... let him/her be. No need to stir up sh** with them. All they'd do is 'count the time' that they spend conversing with you.

    If you MUST interact with them, try talking about something non-religious - like the weather or whatever. That'd keep them from studying their books, and throw off their 'schedule'. But in any event - don't let them bring the topic around to religion - which they would try to do - to witness to you, and count the time.


    Jim TX

  • Finally-Free

    I shun them and they shun me. Why spoil a good thing?


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    just walk up and ask any wt type question that works for you. since he's reading the rev book. ask has he ever read "millions now living will never die" then tell him how that book said the world was to end in 1925.

  • ninja

    hey German can be friendly and drop a few well prepared questions to make them think.....dont be confrontational or sarcastic....they will shut down right away....all the best mate....da ninja

  • GermanXJW

    Being in a train, I could point out that in the "Finished Mystery" - a predecessor of the current "Revelation"-book - linked the Leviathan to a locomotive...

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    German; you have lots of info in your head just use it. you will be fine once you start talking

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I would simply say something to the effect of 'I've seen that book before. After reading it I have a hard time taking anything Jehovah's Witnesses say serious because it was just so darn goofy!'.

    In this manner you simply show the Witness that their publications are ineffective at doing their job. This is subtle but actually can be effective.

  • anewme

    Sure would be tempting to say something!!!!!

    Those little statements said at the right time "are oh how good!" and "like apples of gold in silver carvings"!

    Householders at the door said some beauts to me, and I never forgot them!

    Worked like a poisonous charm.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The best thing to do is ignore them. They do it in public because they want strangers to approach them. It's a way of informal witnessing. Don't you remember all those painful experiences at the assemblies about bible studies being started this way?

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