I got finish listening to some Kingdom Songs for the 1st time i my life...

by A-Team 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher


    Have you heard Farkel play the "love and unity" song in the style of Loonie Tunes? It's hilarious.

    Click here: http://new.ddsweb.net/production/farkel/da_farkel.htm

    Then select from the right-hand column: "Dwelling Together in Love and Unity - Looney Tunes" . Once you're there, also hear "dubsticks" -- an interesting combination of "From House to House" and "Chopsticks".

    It makes the kingdom song sound a lot better!

  • lonelysheep

    Kingdumb Hell songs simply do drill into your brain the very words you hear in the talks. It's no wonder you aren't able to know who wrote them. The GB or anyone under them?!

    Reinforcement=Brainwashing from them.

  • Ténébreux
    Have you heard Farkel play the "love and unity" song in the style of Loonie Tunes? It's hilarious.

    Yes, I've heard it. A work of genius.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I get those songs stuck in my head from time to time, then I just Move Ahead, Move Ahead....... Bwahahahahahaha

  • WTWizard

    Anyone who gets that Kingdumb S*** stuck in their head, this is quite normal. If you have been there long enough to have heard them several times or if you listen to them in lieu of music, it's going to get stuck. You probably had the same problem when it's the middle of summer and some Christmas song pops up in your head while you were a Witless. It's the same effect.

    Getting Kingdumb S*** out of your head is pretty close to impossible on a permanent basis. This is because it's programmed into your brain. The good news is that you can listen to other music, such as that "evil disco" or that rap and heavy metal that they stopped you from enjoying while you were a Witless. Whatever your favorite music is, get as much of it as possible. Lost hits that you forgot all about are at a premium--that's what the downloads are for. Listen to that for a while. Or develop a taste for a new style of music that the Tower once stopped you from listening to. Either way, that Kingdumb S*** will fade in time.

    Above all, don't be too disturbed if, even after many years, you still have it pop up. This is especially true if that's all you listened to or if you were in all your life. You are not alone in this. And when it does happen, just remember that it was so short a time ago that you had this problem with Christmas music.

  • Hortensia

    banal is the word for the kingdom melodies. booooooring. One of the things I feel free to do now if I want to is listen to religious music - I don't believe in god so I just listen because some of it is beautiful. I learned to sing "How Great Thou Art." What a lovely song.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    "Hey - remember when they took the piano out of KHs? the orchestra out of the assemblies? Can't have any lack of uniformity here. " Yes, I do remember this. I missed the piano at the Hall and I remember some sisters who played for the congregations were upset when we got the canned music. I couldn't blame them. What else were they going to use their musical talents for? Man, some of those sisters could put some life into those boring songs with a faster tempo. I remember the orchestra at the assemblies too. It was fun to watch them and escape the boredom. I don't remember the logic Brooklyn used for all of this. It was probably something about too much attention being brought to individuals in the congregation. You couldn't have one clone different than another clone.

  • WTWizard

    They can take the piano out of the hall and the orchestra out of the a$$embly. But that doesn't mean I can't wear a headphones at the a$$emblies, especially if I sit near the back and they are broadcasting for the hard of hearing. And I can put real music on my headphones--whether via the radio (almost as boring, but not quite as bad), a tape (old technology), a mini disc (which holds about 5 hours of music on a single disc and is very compact), or a MP3 player.

    And at home I can listen to a real orchestra like John Davis and His Monster Orchestra or some other orchestra. Much of that "evil disco" is done with real orchestras. Jazz and classical are also done with real orchestras. And none of that music is designed to make people become robots like Kingdumb S*** is.

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