I got finish listening to some Kingdom Songs for the 1st time i my life...

by A-Team 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A-Team

    ...and I hate to speak ill at songs that praise him, but those songs have made my ears bleed. And tehy say they don't want people with talent. ::rolls eyes::

    From anyone who comes from listening to songs like this:
    http://youtube.com/watch?v=_AdYnFY_bZ0 (this might be too radical for some, listen at your own risk)

    to this....


    It makes one think, why is the passion lacking in these songs in the Kingdom Hall.

  • SirNose586

    What song is there in the Kingdom Melodies? It's just doctrine that rhymes, more or less a rehash of what you just talked about (or are going to talk about).

  • Mysterious

    You don't want to imflame passion in people, that might stir them to actually think about what they are singing, learning, believing.

  • VanillaMocha73

    Hey - remember when they took the piano out of KHs? the orchestra out of the assemblies? Can't have any lack of uniformity here.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yes, VanillaMocha!

    In the eyes of Jehovah, Lord of The Universe, uniformity of musical appliances is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than, say, uniformity of the neutrality doctrine, ala Mexico/Malawi.

  • SnakesInTheTower
    but those songs have made my ears bleed

    A-Team ...LMAO at that comment....me, I'd rather listen to country music than KM (dont shoot me country music fans)

    Q: what do you get if you play kingdom melodies backwards?.... you get your life back... (take off of old joke about country music)

    its too bad that so much talent goes to waste...some of the newer Kingdom Melody CDs are actually pleasant, except that they are Kingdom Melodies...

    all the talent they gather to record music each year... imagine if they would play regular music! I know a lot of talented dubs..one young brother, a promising musician..had been offered positions with a world class symphony in the US...turned it down...hardly even plays anything anymore...all because of the Borg....how sad....

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "listening to anything but Kingdom Melodies" Sheep Class)

  • Pubsinger

    I looked at your YouTube selection - too gospelly (!?) for me.

    Here's the one and only David Crowder.

    I have the glasses - I've threatened to grow the hair and beard

    My wife has threatened to divorce me

    I may call her bluff


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Does anyone besides me still get one of the songs stuck in their head on occasion? I'll be at work and suddenly the song is just there. Am I alone? Is this an embarrasing secret I should've kept to myself?

  • Gopher
    Does anyone besides me still get one of the songs stuck in their head on occasion? I'll be at work and suddenly the song is just there. Am I alone? Is this an embarrasing secret I should've kept to myself?

    You're not the only one, not by far. I'll be walking along the sidewalk thinking about nothing at all, then one of the king-dumb maladies pops into my head. Then I stop and think - just like Sir Nose was saying, this isn't music, this is rhyming propaganda. I try to think of different music that isn't designed for mind-conditioning.

    But just for you keyser, here are some wonderful lyrics to consider:

    How pleasant to see brothers all dwell in unity

    Who truly love each other and work in harmonyyyyyy

    Jehovah's blessing on it rests it's like Mount Herman's dew

    That fell upon Mount Zion's slopes.... and made them fresh and new

  • Ténébreux
    How pleasant to see brothers all dwell in unity

    Oh great... now I got the Looney Tunes theme stuck in my head.

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