How deep the brainwashing goes

by MadTiger 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadTiger

    My last thought:

    I could understand if he was in good standing, and never had any real problems with the goings-on of the organization. But that is so far from the case. I already had realized he is clinging to it as his only normalcy, but I didn't imagine how drastically.

    Oh, yeah, he started college last semester and dropped out this semester when his wife left him. His half brother had a suicide attempt two months ago. More to add to the pot.

  • juni

    Oh man he's got a lot to deal with.

    You know the saying, "you'll find a Christian in the foxhole".

    Again, honey rather than something bitter for him. Take it slow and kindly.

  • misanthropic

    I think what Juni said here makes a lot of sense:

    Perhaps the reason he's fighting the facts is because being in the predicament he is in, he doesn't want to ignore his indoctrinated belief about Jehovah. It would be another loss for him. He's probably hanging on by his finger nails right now.

    No one can be forced to come around he will have to see it himself in his own due time.

  • neverendingjourney

    I've noticed the belief among JWs that anything that speaks negatively about the society is "apostate." It doesn't matter who the source is. The thing about that is that there is absolutely no Biblical support for that position. I know they twist scriptures around to say active JWs should not read anything published by former JWs that turned away from the faith, but there is absolutely no support to say that you should not read criticism from people that have never been JWs, nor have I ever seen the society specifically say that. Jesus constantly preached to people that were opposed to his message. However, most JWs are so superficial in nature that they don't care about the Biblical reasoning. They just want to know what they can and can't do. The society clearly makes it known that they don't like for their members to read anything negative about their religion, and that's the message most JWs read and accept.

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